Why Do Dogs Scratch The Sleeping Area With Their Paws?

Why do dogs scratch the sleeping area with their paws?

Dogs display many behaviors that humans don’t always understand. Scratching the ground, before going to bed, is an ancient ritual that they perform since before they were domesticated for human company. Wild dogs dig the floor to create a cave or nest where they can “rest comfortably and safely.” While domesticated dogs have comfortable and safe places to sleep in their modern homes, the urge to scratch on the floor before bed is literally encoded in canine DNA, making it nearly impossible to resist.

Territorial claims

Territorial claims are another reason why dogs scratch their sleeping area. Special glands found on the underside of a dog’s paws release a special scent that is enhanced by scratching. Digging into the surface of the area where it is planned to rest, the dogs use the scent of their paws to claim the territory as their own.

Some dogs scratch the floor before bed to improve the comfort of their bedroom. Dogs often rearrange their sleeping surface. Sand, grass, or cotton can help dogs regulate their temperature. In hot areas, dogs can dig into the ground to cool it down. In cool areas, dogs can dig the floor to create a cozy, warm environment. Scratching the floor before bed also helps dogs find the most comfortable sleeping position.

While it may not sound like much fun to their owners, some dogs enjoy scratching or rummaging. They entertain themselves. Scratching the ground helps some dogs to ease boredom and release energy.

Scratching the ground is also more natural for some breeds than others. Terriers, for example, have a reputation for being great diggers.

Some dogs carry their scratching habit too far. Many tear their owners’ rugs or dig unwanted holes in the yard. In case it happens, it is necessary to teach your dog that this behavior is not appropriate.

Avoidable damage

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Dogs can scratch the floor or bed before they go to bed simply because their nails are too long. The solution to avoid this may be by trimming your nails. If you do not dare to do it, consult your trusted veterinarian.

Sometimes a dog’s scratches are destructive to carpets, floors, or bedding. If this happens, many experts suggest putting the dog in its own bed. Provide your dog with a comfortable bed. Many prefer circular beds with raised edges on which they can rest their head. If your pet continues with this behavior, you can add a couple of blankets or some clothes that you no longer use to his bed.

Dogs by marking urine, spread its aroma around. Like wolves, they also have glands on the pads of their feet that release a unique scent. This happens naturally when they walk or run. It is a fact that the aroma intensifies with scratching. A dog tends to scratch the place where he is about to lie down because if he does, it will have his smell.

Take some measurements

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Although many dogs can eat fancy food and sleep in a designer bed, they still retain the instincts of nature. In nature, before being domesticated, dogs sleep outdoors, sharing the environment with other small creatures. The habit of scratching the floor before bed can result from the need to chase away unwanted critters.

If your dog sleeps outside and doesn’t have a bed, he may dig and scratch in his sleeping area in an attempt to get a warmer or cooler environment depending on the weather. Even if your dog has a comfortable bed in the yard, some dogs may prefer to dig their own sleeping holes.

In case your pet has this habit, provide a doghouse that has a bed that allows air circulation, when the weather is hot, and provide him with blankets when the temperature drops considerably. If there are extreme weather conditions, do not hesitate: it is best to let your dog sleep inside. That way, you will prevent them from getting sick due to low temperatures.

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