What Are The Slowest Animals In The World?

These species can spend hours moving which people – who are not particularly fast – would do in a jiffy
What are the slowest animals in the world?

In nature there are thousands of surprising things and attitudes that sometimes we cannot understand, but they say that everything happens in one way or another for something, and this is also the case with the slowest animals in the world. Would you like to know some?

The slowest animals in the world

Pygmy slow loris

This small primate that lives in eastern countries such as Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos or China, is characterized by its small size and its huge, perfectly rounded eyes. They usually measure between 18 and 21 centimeters, and weigh about 500 grams; it has a kind of poison that it shoots when threatened.

Pygmy marmoset: feeding


His name comes casually from the slowness of his movements, but nothing could be further from the truth. This animal with a sympathetic face, which seems to be always laughing, is very hard-working and intelligent, since it has only a minimum of energy in its body that it masterfully doses.

Sloth: feeding

Its slow movements are the secret of channeling this, since the sloth only uses energy in moments when it is attacked, moments in which it can act with the speed of a cat. Meanwhile, as it does not have to move much it lives and eats in the trees, when it does it is with very slow movements. For example, to change trees, ‘moving’ that they only perform when they go down to defecate.

Giant turtle

That “you’re slower than a turtle” is even more true if this is a giant tortoise. This can weigh about 300 kilos and measure 1.3 meters. With such heaviness on his body, it is normal that it costs him so much to move, together with his DNA, which already gives him considerable slowness.

Life cycle of turtles

Its speed reaches 76 centimeters per minute, so imagine if it were in your house, how long would it take to go from a bedroom to the kitchen!


The koala is always sleeping, or at least most of the day. And when not, it is moving very slowly. In fact, they are only capable of walking at about 2 km / h … Surely you walk faster on the gym treadmill!

How much does a koala sleep?

It is speculated that these slow movements are due to the innate lack of vision that these animals have, which produces an insecurity that they mitigate with safe, but slow movements. It cannot be said that he sleeps out of fatigue …


Yes, one of the slowest animals in the world, as you might already imagine, is the slug. You can walk about 300 meters per hour, so it would take more than three hours to cover a kilometer.

Mollusks: slugs

Its movement is very similar to that of a snail, with the difference that the slug does not carry the house on its back and, even so, it is slower than this.


It can travel about 80 centimeters per minute, although one species is known that is only capable of walking 25 centimeters per minute. The advantage of this animal is that since it lives under the sea, it can travel almost anywhere, being carried away by the ocean currents. Maybe it’s not that you can’t go faster, maybe it’s just that you don’t need it. Let’s say you’ve settled in.

Starfish Anatomy


We know that when talking about the slowest animals in the world, talking about the snail is a classic. In fact, it can only crawl 1.3 centimeters per minute. Taking the house with you seems like it is not an easy task.

Snail feeding

On the other hand, something that surely makes it difficult for him to move more quickly is not having legs, an issue that made his life difficult. Being a snail is not easy.

This has been our list of the slowest animals in the world, did you already know them all?

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