What Are The Diseases That Appear In Older Dogs?

All dogs need care, but older dogs require even more. Unfortunately, various pathologies can hinder the last years of a dog of geriatric age.
What are the diseases that appear in older dogs?

The inexorable passage of time, to a greater or lesser extent, always ravages organisms. In the case of older dogs, having a life expectancy lower than ours, old age and disease become evident too soon.

Older dogs have a certain predisposition to suffer some diseases, which in younger animals are not common. Next, we are going to explain what are these pathologies typical of dogs of geriatric age.

At what age are the older dogs?

It is important that each guardian knows the age ranges in which their dog can be considered geriatric. Due to the enormous racial diversity that dogs have, the classification is very varied. In general, we can classify this species according to its weight as follows:

  • Up to 10 kilos: can be considered older dogs from the age of 11.
  • Weight between 10 and 30 kilos: this group reaches old age around nine years.
  • Animals over 30 kilos: Large dogs are considered geriatric at a very young age, around seven years only.

These figures are indicative, so it will be the veterinarian who will dictate at what age the animal will be considered geriatric. Of course, factors intrinsic to the dog – such as genetic diseases – can upset these general limits. Once this topic is clarified, it is time to list the most common diseases in this group.

A beagle of geriatric age.

Cardiovascular diseases

The heart is the body’s clock, which sets the rhythm of our life with its heartbeat. Over the years, it works tirelessly through millions of contractions. Therefore, it does not seem strange to think that it could be one of the organs that are most affected in older dogs.

Likewise, the arteries and veins through which the bloodstream circulates also suffer damage over the years. The walls lose elasticity and deposits of fatty substances are produced, among many other events that age the circulatory system.

All this means that the appearance of this type of disease is more frequent in geriatric patients. Among the most frequent cardiovascular diseases associated with age, we find the following:

  • Valve disorders, especially the mitral valve. The familiar heart murmur.
  • Thromboembolism, or what is the same, clots that plug veins or arteries.
  • Hypertension.
  • Dilated cardiomyopathy – the heart muscle becomes weak. More common in large dogs.

Osteoarticular disorders in older dogs

The locomotor system is the machinery that moves the whole body and also suffers the ailments of the passage of time. For this reason, diseases at this level are more common in older dogs, especially large-breed dogs. This is because its large size produces greater bone wear.

Among the most common processes, we can cite the following:

  • Osteoarthritis, undoubtedly the most frequent. It affects a large number of older dogs.
  • Increased risk of fractures or fissures.
  • Hernias or bulging discs. They can affect young dogs, but older ones are more common.
  • Loss of teeth and dental disease.

Neurological problems

The nervous system is one of the most affected in elderly animals, since neurons have a high energy demand. This makes them more susceptible to degeneration due to oxidative damage, the result of this accelerated metabolism.

The most common neurological diseases in older dogs are the following:

  • Cognitive dysfunction syndrome. It consists of a kind of canine Alzheimer’s.
  • Geriatric vestibular syndrome.
  • Epilepsy. It also affects young dogs, but in geriatrics it is more common.

Hormonal diseases

Organic homeostasis lives in a very delicate balance in which a multitude of factors are involved. Old age predisposes to suffer from certain pathological processes that are infrequent in young animals.

Hormone-related diseases often appear slowly and insidiously. We are talking about pathologies such as the following:

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Diabetes.
  • Renal insufficiency. It affects a large number of older dogs.

In the same way, there are another series of pathologies that can complicate the last years of some older dogs. For example, the decline in defenses typical of age makes them more vulnerable to infectious diseases.

Likewise, problems in the sense organs are frequent. Eye disorders, such as cataracts or glaucomas, as well as hearing loss, occur frequently in older dogs.

An old dog lying on the ground.

As you have been able to read, there are many and varied diseases that can affect older animals. For this reason, it is essential to reinforce veterinary check-ups in dogs of geriatric age. In this way, these diseases can be detected early and treated appropriately.

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