Tips To Combat Pet Odor

Tips to combat pet odor

As much as you love your pet, there are certain characteristics that are sure not to attract you so much. One of them is, without a doubt, its smell and that is that the least we can say is that it is not pleasant, although sometimes it becomes quite uncomfortable if we do not take the appropriate measures. Animals always give off an odor, but if their hygiene and that of the home are not adequate, this odor will soon become extremely annoying. So that this does not happen to you, in this article we are going to show you tips to combat pet odor.

Basic measures to fight pet odor


perro y gato sofa

Obviously, the most important thing is to  try to keep our pet as clean as possible.  Depending on the type of animal you have, wash it as often as its species allows. When we live with an animal in our homes, we must take extreme care of the home, so try to pay attention to this point. Make sure all your belongings are as neat as your circumstances allow. Next we will see some tips that will be useful to fight against the bad smell of pets. If it is a very strong smell, it is best to consult your veterinarian.

Tips to avoid pet odor

Cat urine

Cats deserve a treat all to themselves. The cat urinates, in some cases, to mark the territory. On those occasions you should consult with your veterinarian to take other types of measures, in addition to cleaning. Sometimes they simply do it because they have not acquired good habits. Regardless of the reason, you should keep in mind that, if you do not eliminate the smell, your cat will continue to urinate in that same place.

Do not forget that you have the disadvantage that it is a very persistent smell. Regular cleaners probably won’t make that bad smell go away. The best thing you can do is buy a specific, enzymatic cleaner, which you can find at any veterinary store. In addition, this class of products will not only eliminate the smell of your cat’s urine but also prevent them from marking the area in a certain way. They have the advantage that they are not toxic to your pet or the environment.

cat and sandbox

You may have to apply it several times until the odor is 100% removed. In the meantime, cover the area with plastic or do not let the cat enter the room. Remember that for as long as the smell is present, you will urinate in that same place again. To fight against the bad smell of pets of this type, it is also good that your toilet tray has a lid, is easy to clean and that, in addition, you do it frequently. This advice is valid for any other room in which any kind of companion animal lives, such as cages or fish tanks.

Products to eliminate bad odors

  • Sodium bicarbonate. It is a great natural deodorant that will help you eliminate any bad smell that has remained in your house. You just have to cover the area with baking soda and leave it on overnight. If you don’t know where it came from, sprinkle it in several places. In the morning, vacuum and make sure there are no traces of the product to avoid accidental ingestion by your pet.
  • Lemon juice. Try making yourself an air freshener based on this citrus. To do this, pour ½ glass of lemon juice, ½ glass of baking soda and 2 glasses of water into a spray bottle. Once you have the mixture, gently spray some areas of your home where bad odor can accumulate, such as carpets, sofas or the space where the animal sleeps. You will see how the bad smell disappears.
  • Vinegar. It is an excellent cleaner that can help you get rid of bad odors. For every liter of vinegar you use, use two of water. Use this mixture to clean all the belongings of your pets and you will be able to eliminate the bacteria that cause some bad odors.

Put these tips into practice and pet odor will disappear forever. Without a doubt, this will help to make coexistence much better.

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