Tips For Taking Your Dog By Boat

As with people, dogs can also suffer dizziness, fatigue and even vomiting, hence the necessary precautions must be taken, such as avoiding eating in the hours before the trip.
Tips for taking your dog on a boat

The trend of traveling with pets is booming, so it is important to know how to take your dog by boat. Unlike what happens with air flights, shipping makes things easier for owners. Of course, although there is room for your dog, the matter is not as simple as it seems.

Understanding canine neglect syndrome is motivating people to take their pets along on vacation. Therefore, below we will give you some tips to complete this journey successfully.

In case you didn’t know, dogs throw up too

Like us humans, dogs can suffer from seasickness, fatigue and even vomiting. Therefore, the correct thing to do is consult with the veterinarian before starting the trip.

The main thing this specialist will do is prescribe some medicine to prevent the dog from vomiting and dizziness. Another recommendation is that the dog fast a few hours before the trip ; in this way, indigestion in the midst of the movement of the tide will be avoided.

Taking your dog by boat : don’t forget the emergency kit

Dogs can have some ailments during the cruise, so it is essential to carry some basic medications. In our medicine cabinet we must carry solution for cleaning the ears, anti-inflammatory ointment, analgesics and an antidiarrheal.

Dogs can travel by boat

Gauze, hydrogen peroxide and antiparasitic solutions will complement our pack. All these medicines must be endorsed by the veterinarian and must have been used previously to avoid negative reactions in the animal.

Know well the policies and regulations of the transport company

Each boat company has its own policies for the transport of animals. Therefore, before buying the tickets, the first thing to do is study what is related to this service. Knowing the rules and notifying the shipping company in advance of the special transfer is essential.

Added to this, the surcharge for the transfer of pets usually varies within each company. Most firms allow the transport of two animals per person. Notably, the guide animals for people with disabilities may accompany their owners for free.

Checking the carrier where our little friend goes

In general, shipping companies have carriers where pets are placed during the journey. The important thing will be to verify the characteristics of these cages and analyze if they are adequate according to the size and characteristics of our dog.

The good news is that many companies will allow us to bring our own carrier. For this, it must have the conditions and characteristics specified by the shipping company. In any case, the advice is still to read the regulations and contact a trained employee who knows how to guide us.

Some requirements for traveling with a dog by sea

The following are requirements that are demanded by almost all shipping companies. If you do not comply with them, it will be difficult for you to be allowed to take your dog by boat:

  • Leash and muzzle: these accessories must go with the dog from the moment we get on the boat. In addition, we must ensure that they are well worn and adjusted in the correct way.
  • Take the health card:  the ship’s staff will check that the dog has its vaccinations. Someone will make sure that everything is in order with regard to the health of the animal.
  • Take the usual food: the ideal for the pet to have a good time on the trip is not to change the quality of its diet. The same company will emphasize that we carry products that are already trusted.

One last recommendation to take your dog by boat

When traveling we must offer our canine an experience that is as calm as possible. Remember that, during the journey, the dog can feel somewhat overwhelmed while we are not by his side. Somehow, the abandonment syndrome occurs, only for a shorter time.

While on the ship we will have a restricted schedule available to live with our dogs. It is advisable to offer him elements for distraction that are related to his daily life,  so do not forget his blanket and the toy that always sleeps when he is bored at home.

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