Tips For Before And After Feeding The Dog

Tips for before and after feeding the dog

There are many questions that revolve around pet food. At what time of the day is it best? How much do I put in your feeder? Can they eat vegetables? In addition, as owners we do not always know how to act before and after feeding the dog (or the dogs, if we have more than one). For this reason, in this article we give you some tips.

What to do before feeding the dog?

An animal is the faithful reflection of its master. It is not a phrase “armed” but a reality. Depending on how we are with our furry and in what way we educate them, it is how they will be all their lives. Among the good habits before feeding the dog we highlight:

Leave a drinking fountain available

dog plate

At all times of the day the dog can be thirsty and it is necessary that it has a full container. But be careful, do not get used to drinking too much because that is not good for your health either. If we are going to be away from home all day we put a bigger drinking fountain.

Softens the feed

This advice is for those who have puppies at home. Dip the grains in warm water to make them softer (even if they are special for their age).

Determine the servings

The technical sheet on the package indicates how much food the animal should eat according to age and physical build. Also pay attention to what the vet tells you about it.

Keep food well

Do not put the feed in the refrigerator or in a humid place. Do not leave it within reach of your pet either, as they will not hesitate for a moment to knock down the bag and eat until they can no longer. If you give him homemade food, pay attention that it is in good condition, well refrigerated and that it has not been contaminated.

Clean the feeder well

Although this can be done before or after feeding the dog, we recommend that you take some time to rinse the food container and then pour the feed into it. Insects, other animals or your own dog may have passed by.

Separate the dogs

If you have more than one at home, try not to see each other when eating. To do this, put them one in each room or sector of the garden. This will avoid fighting or eating anxiously out of “fear” that the other will take your food.

What to do after feeding the dog?

Since you have learned how to “behave” before feeding your pet, it would also be good for you to carry out some good post-feeding habits:

Avoid taking him out for a walk

It is not good that as soon as he has finished eating you take him for a walk, much less exercise. The animal needs to comply with the digestion process as smoothly as possible. It is also not recommended to do it just before eating because the movement makes you hungry and you are likely to eat more and desperately.

Don’t keep leftovers

In the event that the dog does not finish his entire plate (it may be because he is satisfied or because he does not like it), throw it in the trash, do not save it for another occasion.

Avoid suffering from the weather

If it is very hot or cold, raining or sunny, it will be good that the furry is protected while the digestion is completed. Allow him to stay inside the house or shed and let him lie down to sleep as long as he needs.

Don’t play with him

play with your dog

Think of your pet as yourself. When you’ve finished eating, do you feel like going for a run, playing basketball, or riding a bike? Of course not. Something similar happens in the dog. Don’t bother him and insist that he look for a branch, don’t throw the ball at him, and don’t urge him to play.

Don’t let him drink too much water

When the dry feed reaches the stomach, it must decompose and not “inflate”. This happens if the dog drinks a lot of water when it finishes eating. Pour him a little and remove the drinker after a few minutes. Wait two hours to give it water again.

These tips for before and after feeding the dog are very easy to carry out. And they are great for your pet’s life!

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