The Spanish Mastiff: Origin, Characteristics And Behavior

Do you know the Spanish Mastiff? Due to its characteristics and behavior, it is an ideal dog to care for and protect livestock. We present the main features of this dog.
The Spanish Mastiff: origin, characteristics and behavior

They are patient, hardworking and family, although they are not good at following orders. The Spanish Mastiff is one of the dogs traditionally used to care for livestock. Here we reveal all its secrets.

Origin of the Spanish Mastiff

The Spanish Mastiff, like other mastiff breeds, is a molosser-type dog that has traditionally been dedicated to protecting and accompanying livestock. These races are said to be as old as transhumance itself, so their origins date back thousands of years.

The function of these breeds is to protect livestock from dangers, especially from wolves and foxes. Mastiffs can be found in all parts of the world where there has been or still is extensive livestock farming, especially when it comes to flocks of sheep or goats.

The Spanish Mastiff is one of the breeds of mastiffs typical of the Iberian Peninsula. Although each region has a different name, the movement of shepherds, cattle and their dogs throughout the territory has caused the distinctive characteristics of each region to be mixed.

It is a breed of dog that is frequently found in rural areas: they continue to accompany and protect livestock from wolves, but they also protect farms and houses outside urban centers. To a lesser extent they are found in cities, since they do not usually adapt well to a life away from nature.

Spanish Mastiff in the field.

Characteristics of the Spanish Mastiff

The Spanish Mastiff is a large, well-proportioned and muscular dog with a robust and broad appearance. His head is broad and his ears lowered to the sides, which reaffirms this giant look. In addition, it has a lot of loose skin: on the chest, on the belly and also on the head, in fact, the lips are so hanging that the upper one covers the lower one.

The breed standard specifies a minimum but not a maximum size: adult males must be at least 77 centimeters to the withers. Females are slightly smaller, but reach a minimum of 72 centimeters. The standard does not specify a weight, although they are usually above 50 kilograms.

The Spanish Mastiff has a dense and semi-long coat. It can be of any color, although the most sought after are black, brown, reddish, yellow or brindle. As this breed has been bred for work and not for beauty, all possible color combinations are accepted.

Behavior of the Spanish Mastiff

The Spanish Mastiff, as his gaze conveys, is a calm and peaceful dog. He has a great body, but he knows how to save his energy: he does not need to do a lot of exercise or he is not overly active.

It is a breed dedicated to protecting livestock and this has modulated its character: it is a brave, determined and self-confident dog. When he feels that his family is threatened, he does not hesitate to protect her or drive away intruders.

Also due to this characteristic, it is a dog that cannot be forced to obey: they are independent, so we must seek their collaboration and not their blind submission. For this reason, the education of the Spanish Mastiff should always have a positive approach and be as less intrusive as possible: it is happy learning on its own instead of following long lists of commands.

Guard instinct in dogs

Spanish Mastiff care

The Spanish Mastiff in general is a healthy breed, although due to its enormous size it is prone to health problems that need special attention: its joints, especially the hips, can suffer from dysplasia. It can also suffer from stomach torsion, so its owners are advised to be careful with the amounts of food they provide.

As it is a dog that works in the mountains, after each excursion the body should be thoroughly checked for parasites, spikes or stuck thorns. It is also essential to keep your internal and external deworming calendar up to date, as well as your vaccinations and medical check-ups.

Due to the characteristics of its coat, it needs frequent brushing. Only in this way can you get rid of dead hair and avoid irritations and other skin problems that can be accentuated by the wrinkles that form on your face, chest and neck.

The Spanish Mastiff is a large dog, always linked to protection work. They are loyal but independent, hardworking but calm and big but loving and familiar. Without the work that these dogs carry out, the lives of livestock and shepherds would be much more difficult.

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