The Labrador: Know All The Advantages Of This Breed Of Dog

Its sweet appearance and energy make this dog an excellent choice as a companion for adventures and walks of all kinds. By nature, the Labrador is a faithful companion. 
The labrador: know all the advantages of this breed of dog

The labrador is a very versatile animal.  Consequently, it easily adapts to anywhere and of course to your family. Although it is well known for its ability to be a good guide dog, it has many other characteristics that are worth knowing and highlighting. We will discuss them in detail below.

Labrador physiognomy

The Labrador is an animal with a large and compact physiognomy, but very harmonious. The length of its body and its extremities are very balanced; the legs are strong and the feet are round. Meanwhile, the head is broad, with short and drooping ears, a wide muzzle of medium length and wide-set eyes (in brown tones).

Its constitution allows it to have great strength, both on land and in aquatic environments; for this reason,  this breed is one of the best performing in the water. 

The Labrador is a very energetic animal, always ready for activity and exercise, so it needs enough space to get around. However, this dog also enjoys home and family companionship. In fact, he has a very affectionate character.

As for its fur, it can be black, chocolate or gold. Their hair is short, straight, double-layered and very thick;  it is very easy to care for. It won’t get knots and you won’t have to spend a lot of time brushing it after a bath. 

Varieties and characteristics

The labrador can be found in the following varieties:

  • English:  it is a much bigger and stronger Labrador than the American. Their neck is considerably wider and their limbs are stockier. It has shorter legs than the American and even its tail is wider and stronger.
  • American:  it is a dog with more athletic features. It has both the body and the slimmest members. Its snout and legs are longer than those of the English variety. The tail of the American Labrador is thinner and tapers towards the tip.

The Labrador Retriever is one of the best-known dog breeds in the world.

Regardless of the variety, the character and physical aspects mentioned above – such as coat color – are shared traits. On the other hand, both varieties have a long life span, between 10 and 13 years, although with good care they can live a little longer.

The good character of the farmer

The Labrador is well known for his good character. He is always ready to help and with children he is simply exceptional. 

Likewise, it is usually respectful towards other dogs, although it can be a bit suspicious and reticent towards strangers, especially when it is still a puppy. For this reason, it is important that you help him socialize.

You may have heard that this dog can be destructive. Not because this is an intrinsic characteristic of their breed, but because the Labrador needs to feel part of a herd. However, belonging does not mean having to master it.

Who should be the head of your pack in this case? Its owner: you. If the Labrador does not feel that you are his leader, he will become a disobedient dog. So, if you train him from puppyhood, there will be no problem.

The labrador needs regular exercise

Although he can live in an apartment, this dog needs regular exercise to stay in good shape and release energy. So, if you live in a small place, think about it, because even if it is not at odds, you should spend some time doing physical exercise with it.

The Labrador is a breed of dog native to Newfoundland.

Due to its strength and size, the Labrador can perform an intense exercise routine. He can run behind you while cycling and he can also jog with you through the park for more than 15 minutes. For him, exercise is a fun and dynamic activity.

The important thing is that you keep it well hydrated and that you do not overfeed it, since this is a breed that has a marked tendency to gain weight easily; Eating too much could lead to problems for your health in the future.

Do you want a sweet, tender, obedient, trainable, affectionate, loyal and good dog with children and that also adapts to living in a small place or can serve as a guide and companion? Don’t think about it anymore, the labrador is your best option!

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