The Fauna Of Tasmania

Adapted to the humid and forest ecosystem, birds and reptiles prevail, although the best known is a mammal: the Tasmanian devil.
Tasmania wildlife

When we think of Tasmanian wildlife, the ‘devil’ that became so popular with cartoons automatically comes to mind. However, it is not the only animal that we can find on this island in Oceania. Learn more below.

What is Tasmania’s wildlife like?

With most birds and reptiles, the fauna of Tasmania has evolved in such a way that it can survive the humid and forest ecosystem of the entire island. Some of the animals that live here are:

1. Tasmanian Devil

We couldn’t start this list without naming Tasmania’s most famous animal. It is a carnivorous marsupial similar in size to a small dog, but more muscular and robust. Covered in black hair, he is known for his screams or screams and for his bad smell.

The Tasmanian devil – the photo that opens this article – feeds on carrion and waste or garbage thrown by people. He is solitary and very agile: he has the ability to climb trees and swim in the river.

Regarding their reproduction, males fight each other to get a female and then continuously monitor her to avoid female ‘infidelity’. This is because they can ovulate many times in a few weeks and mate with more than one partner. The young are pink and only four of them survive, because the mother has four nipples to feed them.

2. Tasmanian tree frog

This species lives in the west of the island, where the vegetation is more abundant, it is medium in size – about 60 millimeters long – and can be both light green and dark brown, with ‘spots’ that allow it to blend in with the branches and trunks.

Tasmanian tree frog

The Tasmanian tree frog feeds on insects and reproduces after heavy rains. At that time the males call the females to the water, where after mating they lay up to 120 eggs among the moss. The tadpoles remain submerged for months to complete the entire metamorphosis process.

3. Tasmanian parakeet

There are many birds that make up the fauna of Tasmania, and among them we can highlight this parakeet, which is also found on the islands of the Bass Strait. It prefers areas covered with trees up to 1,500 meters above sea level to feed itself: seeds, flowers, fruits and sometimes small insects.

Tasmanian parakeet

The Tasmanian parakeet is about 37 centimeters long and its plumage is quite colorful, as it has a yellow chest and head, blue and gray wings, and a red and blue face; the beak is small and white. The breeding season begins in October and forms a single clutch, in the hollows of the trees. The female lays about five eggs and, after hatching, the chicks stay with their parents for a month.

4. Tasmanian brown tree frog

It is a relative of the tree frog, although this is more widespread in Oceania than the previous one. It can measure up to 45 millimeters, its body is dark brown on the back and light on the belly, with some green spots or black stripes. Their bulging, dark eyes are striking.

Tasmanian brown tree frog

The Tasmanian brown tree frog feeds on flying insects and they can reproduce all year long as long as it has rained, as the eggs need water to develop. When it’s cold, they have a chance to freeze to survive.

5. Tasmanian Redfish

Finally, within the fauna of Tasmania we cannot ignore the redfish, a flightless bird that lives in grasslands very close to the water, to the north and east of the island. It is robust in appearance, its feathers are dark except for a white mark on its belly, a yellow beak and reddish eyes.

Tasmanian Redfish

They live in groups of up to five individuals, are sedentary and maintain territories of up to two hectares. They generally practice polygamy and breed after the rains in July. The nest is made on the ground and each female lays up to eight eggs.

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