The Dog In The City: Road Safety

What are the obligations of pet owners on their outings in the city? Here we will know a little more about the obligations of dog guardians, which are key to guaranteeing road safety in Spain
The dog in the city: road safety

The high concentration of dogs in large cities has become a key issue for road safety. As guardians, we must assume some responsibilities when walking the dog in the city, in public spaces and roads, to respect other citizens and not interfere or damage traffic.

Dogs and road safety: what does the Spanish law say about the walks of our dogs?

Most of the laws that speak about the obligations of dog guardians in Spain are national in scope. However, the autonomous communities and municipalities also have the right to establish their own ordinances, in which they consider their own characteristics and the particularities of their society.

When we decide to adopt a dog, it is important to consult the regulations in force in our city, to know what our rights and responsibilities as guardians are.

This type of information will allow us to create greater awareness about how our individual actions impact the quality of life in our society. But it will also help us avoid financial penalties and problems with other people, especially our neighbors.

When we talk about road safety, Spanish laws place special emphasis on the fact that we are responsible for ensuring that our dogs behave appropriately in public spaces and public roads in the country. In reality, owners will always need to answer for the acts of their pets, whether they are civil security or not.

For this reason, we need to obey certain rules when walking with our best friends, not only to avoid traffic accidents and harm to third parties, but also to protect the integrity and well-being of the animal itself. Next, we will see some tips to walk our dogs without violating road safety.

Considerations for walking your dog within road safety regulations

The first and most basic thing for road safety is to walk with our dogs only in the appropriate places. Logically, an animal cannot walk, much less run or jump, on the streets and highways where motorized vehicles travel. Nor can we circulate with our pets on the lanes dedicated to bicycles.

Where to walk with our dogs on public roads?

To respect the basic rules of road safety, we must walk the dogs on the roads and avoid walking next to the curbs. In general, it is advisable to walk with pets in the area closest to buildings, to avoid disturbing other pedestrians.

Dog walks down a lane

When crossing the street, we will respect the authorized and duly signposted sites. If there are restrictions provided for in the municipal ordinances, it will also be necessary to comply with them.

How to take our dog for a walk in the city?

As a general rule, dogs must be on a leash when walking on public roads. They will only be allowed to remain loose in dog parks that are properly fenced. Guardians are also recommended to avoid very long or extendable leashes, as they make it difficult to control the areas where the dog walks.

Some autonomous communities allow you to walk with your dog loose in public spaces during certain hours. In the city of Madrid, for example, you can walk with your dog off leash from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m. in summer time, and from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 a.m. in winter.

Likewise, dogs are not allowed to remain loose in some places for safety, such as playgrounds.

When should I collect my dog’s stools?

Forever! When you walk with your dog through public spaces, remember to always carry bags to collect his feces. In addition to preventing environmental pollution, we also prevent pedestrians from suffering accidents when lifting the poop from our dogs.

Fines for not collecting feces in Madrid

The abandonment of depositions is considered a crime in Spain that can lead to financial penalties. The value of the fines varies according to the autonomous community: in Madrid, fines of 751 to 1,500 euros are foreseen for not collecting dog feces on public roads.

How to walk the dog in the city if it is potentially dangerous?

Dogs considered potentially dangerous in Spain, according to Royal Decree 287/2002, must always wear muzzles and leashes in public spaces, regardless of where and when they go for a walk.

In addition, their tutors must carry the administrative license in all the trips; it will be verified that they are qualified to adopt and care for a potentially dangerous dog. Failure to comply with these conditions can lead to financial penalties of up to 3,000 euros for the owners.

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