The 8 Most Curious Dog Breeds

The 8 most curious dog breeds

You may know that within the canine kingdom, variety is the order of the day. So some can be big, some very small, some very smart, and some full of energy. But surely in this list there will be more than one dog that you did not know, we leave you with the 8 most curious dog breeds in the world.

The Puli

This is a dog known for its ability to care for sheep and as a police dog. He is very beautiful, patient and calm, although he will need a good day of daily exercise, as he has a lot of energy.   His coat varies between faded black, white and cream; There is also a gray variation, although this occurs very infrequently.

In general, it is a dog that gets along well with the family, especially with children. It has the tendency to bark, a characteristic that was necessary to warn if there was a predator, although it only does so in the presence of strangers, because it hears noises that it is not familiar with or when it asks for attention.

The Cambodian Razorback

This dog of Asian origin may seem normal, but it is distinguished by the fact that the fur on its tail takes a curious pompom shape, in addition to having a ridge of hair on the spine that protrudes from the shorter coat, with the rest of its body. This breed requires a lot of socialization because they tend to be very territorial, although with their owners they are very affectionate.

Something particular about this breed is that it has a slightly longer coat than is customary in dogs from tropical climates. However, they are very well adapted for that climate. Despite being common in Cambodia, they are not easy to find in other countries.

The Bergamasco

The appearance of this breed is very rare, as it has a thick, rather long and wavy coat that falls forming a kind of waves. It is a herding breed from Italy, although at present there are not many left because they have not continued to be bred for this purpose, it is considered one of the least widespread breeds in the world and it is difficult to find them even in their native Italy.

The Xoloitzcuintle


This breed from Mexico has a very unusual characteristic in dogs, and that is the absence of hair. However, the breed also has a variety that does, so that puppies with and without hair can be produced in the same litter. It can also be found in medium, miniature and toy sizes. The larger variants, especially the medium-sized ones, are widely used as police dogs, while the toys make good companion dogs.

The Affenpincher

Like most pincher this is a very small, playful and mischievous dog. It is characterized by its thick, hard and disheveled-looking hair. They began to be bred to keep them in business to hunt mice and other pests, and they tend to be very protective, although due to their size, it could hardly be used as a guard dog. Still he is a good hunter and enjoys human company.

The Lagotto of Romagnolo

Lagotto de Romagnolo

This small and active dog is recognized worldwide as the only dog ​​specialized in looking for truffles. They were bred to search for the precious tuber and this makes them unique in the world. Despite its size, it is a very active dog, with an excellent sense of smell, strong and with a good disposition for work. It will be good company for an owner who has the time to deal with his energy.

The Lowchen

It is a small dog with a very strange coat, although it is similar to the coat of the poodle, with a dense forehead and almost bald rear areas, but with smooth fur, similar to the lion’s mane. This dog is very intelligent and affectionate, being recognized as excellent pets.

The Bedlington Terrier

This dog is medium in size with strong hunting instincts, especially rabbits. It is a fast dog that has a trunk similar to that of the bulterrier, except that it has  a long and curly coat, with a kind of plume just above the trunk. In general terms, it is a friendly dog, although due to its hunting instincts it is better to socialize them once they finish their vaccination schedule.

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