The 5 Best Songs About Cats

The 5 best songs about cats

Today there is a wide market for cat lovers. This community has grown over the years. In fact, they have created consumer products such as cologne with the smell of pussy, and also special music for your relaxation with songs about cats.

Songs about cats

The best songs about cats that relate their pleasant adventures or strange situations related to them, are:

  1. Woody – Hayden

We started with the songs about cats. This topic addresses the problem of those felines who often leave their homes to live adventures. According to some testimonies, the author was surprised by this ability that his feline had to change the environment and go out into the outside world. So he decided to create a song about what house cats live outside their homes and how they are eagerly awaited when they return.

  1. My Brambles – Alela Diane

This song was written by Diane in a period of her life where she was only with her little kitten. In it, he offers his opinion, with a philosophical air, about the wonderful experience of having the company of a cat.

  1. The Lovecats – The Cure

This song consists of a parallel between the human world and the cat. When it was released on the market, it had a good acceptance by the English community. It even made the top 10 in England. In addition, according to the musical group, the song is based on the book “man’s best friend.”

  1. Walking My Cat Named Dog – Norma Tanega

This melody tells the story of a cat with a dog complex. Its owner, being a dog lover and having only one cat, calls him “dog” and raises him as such. Although this song only made it to the top 22 in the UK, it shows in an original way the epic delusion that the singer-songwriter came up with.

  1. Damn Cat – Asphalt

Although everything seems to be “the color of roses”, this song talks about a relationship that is affected by his girlfriend’s cat. Every time they were together, the cat out of jealousy interfered with their love.

Music for cats

The market also offers us music specially made for cats. With it the kittens will relax and lower their stress levels.

An important album is calledMusic for cats. It is created by a scientific investigation of the University of Wisconsin (United States). It was later released by the University of Oxford.

For its creation, at first, normal sounds of human music were used . But this did not turn out as expected, as the cats did not have a positive reaction.

The creators of the album realized that to achieve the goal, they had to use a melody with which the cats could identify. Thus, they looked for a sound that made them feel that they were in their environment. The music was changed to meows and purrs, to lower the tension levels. The end result was a success, as 77% of the cats reacted positively to the melody.

The research lasted two years, during which they tested sequences of different sounds, before having the successful result. It should also be clarified that no real cat was used for the research, but previously recorded voices and similar human melodies.

Music therapy for animals

In our daily environment, those of us who have pets know that classical music or quiet air helps our friends relax and reduce their discomfort. In a similar way it happens with people. And so, animals also release endorphins in their body.

The benefit that music causes in our favorite animals is enormous. In the market we can find all kinds of products, engraved and designed to calm our pets. Just as there is music for young children and babies, there is also music for dogs, cats, etc.

The musical genre that is used is very varied. From classical music, jazz, instrumental music imitating sounds of nature, etc.

Meanwhile, classical music has very beneficial effects on dogs. But other styles like heavy metal or rock increase your stress levels. Also from anxiety, wailing and barking.

We must consider that an  excessive exposure to any type of sound  can cause many problems in our friends.

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