Pitbull, Babysitting Dogs

Although today the Pitbull is considered a potentially dangerous breed, in their day they were the opposite since they served as babysitting dogs; find out what are the reasons that he has passed from one extreme to another in terms of considering his behavior or character

Many people tremble when they hear the word ‘pitbull’. This breed, unfortunately, has earned a reputation for being aggressive, although many do not know that this breed was used for years as nanny dogs. Yes, how you hear it.

Sometimes we have commented with you that, although there are breeds with a tendency to be aggressive, most of the problems tend to alleviate with a good education, and that the personality of the dog will depend on this. Pit bulls are a good example of this.

Why the bad reputation of this breed

Due to its physical characteristics (powerful jaw), the human saw in this breed an easy way to profit through dogfighting. For years, various breeds of dogs were used for these illegal games that amused a lot, while filling the pockets.

This use of pit bulls aroused in them the aggressiveness with which they are unfortunately associated today. However, this does not mean that a Pitbull has to be aggressive yes or yes at birth, although it may offer a certain predisposition because the breed has been distorted generation after generation; Unfortunately, these aggressive instincts are largely transmitted through DNA.

However, as we have already advanced, we emphasize that most of the work depends on the education received and the owners it has. In this sense, it should be noted that before these well-known and cruel fights existed, pit bulls had a famous reputation and were known as ‘nanny dogs’.

Fights prohibited dogs

Pit bulls, babysitting dogs

During the 19th century, pit bulls were considered the best breed to babysit children. In fact, in every house where there were children, there was a pit bull as a babysitter dog. Regardless of the social class of the family, these dogs earned a good reputation and reputation due to their tolerance and good work with the little ones.

Today this has been demonstrated;  Studies in this breed reveal that Pit Bulls are the most tolerant dogs below Golden Retrievers. Yes, golden are those adorable dogs that everyone loves and that they accompany the blind and people with special needs. Ironies of life, everyone approaches them, while everyone runs away from pit bulls.

The fact that they were used as nanny dogs shows that their character is friendly, tolerant and that they are also a very familiar, sociable and loyal dog. The families had no problem leaving their children alone with them, as they knew that this animal is patient and loving, and that it would defend the child with its life if necessary.

The image that this breed earned was that of a dog that defends its own, devoted to its family, protective of those around it and friendly with everyone, including strangers. If any of those people raised their heads today they would be surprised to see the image that has been created around pit bulls.

From babysitting dog to feared animal

This animal has gone from being considered a babysitter dog to being a feared animal. However, they have little to blame for this, since when they behave aggressively most of the blame is usually the result of the ignorance of many who educate them. By ‘ignorance’ we mean that they are dogs that require certain knowledge to be properly trained.

Dangerous pitbull chained to avoid deadly bites

The past they have has led them to have trends that must be eradicated, and that can be done, but you have to know how. If it is not put in the hands of professionals or not learned enough to do so, the personality of the Pitbull will go down a wrong path, and therefore, its character too.

The reality is that currently this breed, which was used as a nanny dog, has become potentially dangerous and in countries like Spain, for example, it is not possible to adopt a dog without a license. In addition, you must wear a muzzle and of course have insurance.

However, if the Pitbull is one of your favorite breeds and if you are considering adopting one, take it to a professional and give it the education it deserves. You will have a friend for life, at least all his life, loyal, loving and sweet.

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