Petfriendly Universities, Take Your Dog To Work

Petfriendly Universities, take your dog to work

Among the new advances in labor matters, there is the idea of ​​taking our pets to work, it is being increasingly accepted. We know the case of Petfriendly Universities.

United States and its Petfriendly Universities

During this summer, in the month of June, many offices in the United States commemorated the day of “Take your dog to work”. Three hundred companies started with this initiative, but the number has grown significantly over the years, reaching almost 2,000 participants.

These data led a research company in San Francisco to carry out a study on the subject, to find out what benefits having the pet could bring in the place where we work. The results were substantial, revealing significant benefits for pet owners compared to those who did not have the same company.

Nowadays, the trend is increasing to allow the access of companion animals in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, and other centers, including some offices. There are many advantages, such as reducing anxiety and increasing levels of well-being, especially in a stressful environment such as a company.

Benefits of taking our pet to our hotel, workplace or Petfriendly Universities


dog in the office

With the company of your pet, workers are less stressed for the simple reason that they find an escape route if they become overwhelmed by some situations, and they can connect with their pets. It is a relief from petting your animal, playing small games or even talking to it.

A study carried out by Virginia Commonwealth University, one of the Petfriendly Universities, has revealed that those owners who can go to work with their dog see their stress levels decrease.

To confirm this, stress levels were compared throughout a working day of three different groups of employees. On the one hand, those who had brought the dog to the office and those who had left the dog at home, and on the other, those who did not have pets.

Another consequence of these studies is that this reduction in stress level only occurs in dog owners who brought their animal to the office, since those who left their friend at home or those who did not have pets benefited less measure.

Improved communication

Although it may not seem like it, taking the dog to the office is also an important stimulus to promote a good relationship between co-workers. In addition, many studies confirm that the furry encourages the creation of conversations and facilitates communication between people in their jobs.

Promoting creativity and productivity

Caring for the pet during work time helps improve accuracy and overall performance.

In this way, a game time or a short walk in your company will have a great beneficial effect on the health of the workers and on their stress levels. It could also have positive consequences in reducing requests to leave due to health problems, stress or anxiety. If you do not have a furry, there are many options to adopt it.

Savings in daycare

Logically, in addition to the emotional benefits, also having the dog by our side while we work will have an effect on our economy, among other things because we will not need to spend money on hiring walkers or a nursery.

A clean conscience

It is common for our work to occupy us much of the day for a long time a week. If we add to this the time we spend on trips from one place to another, going to the gym, meeting friends … the hours we spend with our furry are few.

This can cause us a feeling of guilt and concern because the animal is alone at home. If we had the option of being able to take it to work, all guilt would be eliminated.

The grateful animal

Another consequence, in addition to the benefits for dog owners, is that the situation would also revert to the mood of the dog, who would be much happier, since being a very social animal, it does not have a good time alone .

Some limits


Although there are many benefits of going to work with pets, you also have to consider that not everyone will be happy to have a dog around. They can be allergic people or people who are afraid of dogs. That is why it is essential that the furry ones that are brought to the office are well behaved.

Dogs that have some type of aggressive behavior towards people, that do not know how to relieve themselves in the street, that bark excessively or that have any behavior that may be problematic, are not the ideal candidates to go to work with their owners.

Another important aspect is that dogs should be properly dewormed and not suffer from contagious health problems.

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