In Chile It Can Become A Crime If Someone Does Not Take Care Of Their Pet

From now on, training to encourage aggressive behavior will be considered animal abuse
In Chile it can become a crime if someone does not take care of your pet

In some countries like Chile, guaranteeing animal welfare is considered a priority. Thus, if someone does not take care of their pet, they can face significant fines, in addition to other penalties.

As of February 12, 2019, the renewed Law of Responsible Ownership of Pets and Companion Animals of Chile came into force. Known as the ‘Cholito Law’, this new regulation establishes a series of mandatory principles for people who own pets. So far, this law is applicable only to cats and dogs, but the Chilean government itself does not rule out expanding the range of protected pets.

How does the law guarantee if someone does not take care of your pet?

The ‘Cholito Law’ includes a series of requirements for animal owners, among which are:

  • The implantation and registration of the microchip with data that link the pet with its owner in case of loss or abandonment.
  • Guarantee the nutritional and sanitary well-being of the animal.
  • Take civil responsibility for possible damages caused by the pet.

Woman takes care of her pet

This regulation delegates to the ministries of the Interior and Public Security, Health and Education, as well as to the so-called local municipalities, the function of monitoring if someone does not take care of their pet. In addition, it proposes the various animal associations for public awareness.

The main novelty of this law is that which affects the concept of animal abuse. Until now, this term alluded to any action or omission capable of causing harm, pain or suffering in an unjustified manner. This definition excluded abandonment, animal fights, training for aggressive purposes or sacrifice as a method of population control, practices currently sanctioned.

Failure to comply with the duties contained in this law by the owners or the execution of some type of abuse are subject to a series of sanctions:

  • Minor prison sentence in its minimum or medium degree and a fine of between 10 and 30 UTM for those who cause any type of animal damage.
  • Minor prison sentence in its medium degree and a fine of between 20 and 30 UTM for those responsible for injuring the physical integrity or sacrificing an animal.
  • Absolute and perpetual disqualification for the possession of any animal.

Opinions of the experts in animal welfare

Various Chilean organizations, including the NGO ProAnimal, express their satisfaction with the comprehensive nature of the new law. For them, as for other animal organizations at the international level, animals are sentient living beings that deserve to be respected, a guarantee now collected by the State.

Likewise, members of the Veterinary Medical College share that the microchip should be the only method for identifying the animal. Their reliability means that only animals with pathologies that prevent their insertion should exclude them. In fact, to prevent practices such as summer abandonment from ending without the corresponding penalty, some veterinarians refuse to sign the papers for the animal registry.

The experts, and in general the majority of the Chilean population, have shown their agreement with the new law. When someone not only does not take care of their pet, but also causes suffering, citizenship and now the State understand that it is a behavior that should not be ignored.

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