How To Calm A Hyperactive Dog

In addition to the activities that can be carried out with him, as well as his training or education, a nervous dog will need a relaxed environment to calm down
How to calm a hyperactive dog

You chose him because he was a friendly puppy who at the same time seemed very calm. However, with the passage of time you have realized that your dog is more moved than you imagined. Relax, we give you some tricks to calm a hyperactive dog.

Tips to calm a hyperactive dog

Keep calm

Many studies have shown that dogs capture the mood of their owners and also the environment around them. An environment in which yelling and fighting, nervousness and stress reign can increase your pet’s hyperactivity.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to remain calm, always speak lovingly to him, and above all, use positive reinforcement when you want to teach him. A calm energy that you can transmit will be of great importance so that he can be calm as well.

Make him work for what he wants

Because pets are dependent, they can fall into a routine of getting used to having it all done for them. This means that certain energy that they must channel does not come out of their interior. How to work on this issue? Easy, make your pet work to get food.

Reassure nervous dog

You can hide small portions of food in corners of the house, or do it in a simpler way: with a kong- type toy . A great idea to use these toys is to put wet food inside it and freeze it. Your dog will ‘break’ his head wondering how to get the food out of there.


Exercise and games are the best way to channel energy. If you want to calm your hyperactive dog, there is nothing better than to tire him out. Take it to the beach, to a field, to the mountains, to a large park or wherever the circumstances and the place where you live allow you.

Play with him to throw a stick or a Frisbee  to force him to run and exercise his joints. Download some games from the internet that can give you ideas on how to burn energy.

Use music

Music has been shown to have a calming and relaxing effect on our pets. While your dog is home alone, put on classical music that allows him to enter a state of relaxation and peace.

Even if you are at home, leave the music on and let your pet enjoy it. You can do relaxing yoga-like exercises that will engage the animal’s curiosity and, who knows, it might even try to imitate you as a puppy who became famous for it.

teach him

Making your pet learn voice commands has two important benefits: you can enjoy it more and it will end up very tired. Remember that a hyperactive dog can be a bit more difficult to train than one that is not. Positive reinforcement and rewards, along with patience, will be the key to success in this endeavor.

Calm excited dog

You can teach him commands to sit, stay, come, fetch, or carry. However, hyperactivity can undermine attention span, so the required patience may turn out to be greater than you imagine.

Long walks

Your dog sure loves the sun and long walks. Remember that this star is a source of energy that positively influences our emotions, so long walks and intense walks can help reduce your pet’s nervousness.

Of course, avoid the high summer temperatures and remember to always carry water with you, as well as the occasional treat to reward good behavior. These walks, in addition to benefiting your pet, will make your bond even closer.

Don’t worry, because you can see that calming down a hyperactive dog is possible. You just need to know how, take time for it and arm yourself with patience. The results will arrive sooner than you imagine.

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