How To Be Green With Your Pet

How to go green with your pet

If you are one of the many who has become aware of the daily need to take care of the environment, keep in mind that you can also be ecological with your pet.

With some changes, apparently minimal but no less important, you will surely do your bit to contribute to having a more habitable planet for humans and animals.

Going green with your pet: a decision that will cause a positive impact

And speaking of sand, you can start with your kitty’s litter box.
The products that are sold today, such as the case of bentonite or silica pearls, contain chemicals that, in addition to being harmful to the environment, – in the long run – can affect the health of your cat.

Choose a more eco-friendly option  that, in addition, is usually cheaper than conventional ones. It is a product made up of natural fibers of wood fallen from different trees – note that none are cut down to make it – and that it does not use artificial additives.

In addition, it has the advantage that you can flush it down your toilet.

Another possibility is that you make yourself a homemade sand and that does not harm the environment using the following materials:

  • Newsprint
  • Baking soda
  • Biodegradable detergent

Options to eliminate the stools of your animals

cat litter box

Use biodegradable bags  to collect dog droppings or clean the cat’s litter box. They degrade in a short time compared to the 150 years it would take for an ordinary plastic one.

You can also use newspaper to wrap the waste.

In any case, the feces that reach the garbage dumps are likely to end up contaminating waters and beaches.

For this reason, the ideal is that, if you have a garden or a piece of land in your patio, install a septic system that transforms the fecal matter of your pets into non-toxic components that compost the subsoil. Products specially designed for it are sold, or you can build it yourself.

Adopt before you buy

If you want to incorporate a pet into your life, choose to adopt a stray dog ​​or cat.

Giving a home to an animal that has been abandoned and lives on the street or in a shelter is not just an act of love. It also contributes to maintaining a healthier and cleaner environment.

In this way , the spread of diseases through parasites in the feces spread in public places is avoided. The contamination that can occur when animals tear open garbage bags in search of food is also reduced.

More ideas and tips for caring for the environment

We tell you other options that will allow you to be ecological with your pet :

  • Use natural methods to fight fleas and ticks.
  • When you bathe her, opt for chemical-free shampoos.
  • You can also make soaps with products that do not harm the ecosystem.
  • He prefers stainless steel feeders and drinkers. They last longer and are more hygienic.

Also, if you have to buy for the first time, or replace your cat’s litter tray, forget about the plastic ones, which will take so long to degrade when you have to dispose of them. You can use cardboard boxes as an option. Better still if they are made of recycled material.

Environment-friendly accessories

homemade toys 3

There are countless accessories that our pet uses daily and that must also be rethought with an ecological look :

  • Toys
  • Clothing
  • straps
  • Necklaces
  • Spoons
  • Blankets
  • Beds

So, when purchasing these items, choose those made with natural materials. Or, better yet, make them yourself. In this case:

  • Avoid polyester and other man-made fibers and plastic.
  • Opt for cotton, linen, or wool fabrics.
  • Never forget the words reduce, recycle and reuse, fundamental pillars of any self-respecting defender of the environment.

A world with less pollution and more pets

It is never too late to start considering the impact that an increasing number of pets has on the environment, especially in large cities.

That is why not only must be aware, but also measures to prevent further contamination of the environment.

So get to work. Everything adds up when it comes to helping our planet continue to be a habitable place for all the creatures that live on it.

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