How To Avoid Dog Bites

How to avoid dog bites

The injuries that canine teeth can leave in some cases are quite serious and require surgery. Therefore we must avoid dog bites, whether ours or others. Find out more in the following article.

Tips to avoid dog bites

It does not matter how old we are, if our pet is usually calm, or if we do not have dogs at home. Pay attention to these recommendations to avoid dog bites that can be useful in any situation:

1. Interact with the animal

Although it may sound strange, the truth is that dogs (among other species) tend to be somewhat suspicious of people they do not know. That is why it is more common to be bitten by someone else’s dog than by your own. By presenting yourself appropriately, you can avoid problems. Keep your hands relaxed and away from the animal and try to make it see you at all times. Before touching it, bring the back of your hand closer to sniff it as long as it doesn’t growl or bark.

2. Learn the warning signs

To avoid dog bites, it is very important to know what animal dynamics are like. This means that you should learn their body language. Before attacking, a canine will stiffen its tail or wag it from side to side slowly, push its ears back, stick out its tongue and lick its lips, stare at you, growl, and show its teeth.

3. Walk away slowly

If you detect that he is in full attack attitude, the best thing you can do to avoid dog bites is to move away from the animal to a safe place (if possible with a barrier between you and him). But don’t ever run, because this will make things worse. Sometimes it can help you to stay very still in the same place and tell him in a firm voice (without yelling) to go away.

4. Protect yourself with an object

If the dog is about to attack you, you can place your bag, a jacket or whatever you have on hand so that it is the first thing the animal bites. In the event that its momentum knocks you to the ground, you will have to roll up like a ball and protect your head with your arms. This will prevent it from biting you in areas where the damage can be serious, such as the neck or face.

5. Ask the owner about their pet’s attitude

Another tip to avoid dog bites is to know the animal in front of you. In the event that it is not yours, you can consult with the owner regarding his behavior towards strangers. If he tells you that he does not like certain movements or attitudes of strangers, listen to him: no one knows him better than he.

6. Stay away when he is eating

If there’s one thing canines hate, it’s being disturbed when they’re feeding. This reaction is pure instinct and they have inherited it from wolves. If he senses that you are a threat and he thinks you will take his food from him, he probably wants to bite you. Even if he is your lifelong pet, at that moment he will bring out his “wild gifts”. Wait for him to finish eating to get closer.

7. Avoid stressful situations

Dogs often bite “unintentionally” because through play they are too excited. When this happens they have no control over their reactions and you may accidentally grab their ear or tail and they bite you. When you see that the animal is too “accelerated”, reduce the activity that it is doing and let it calm itself.

8 .Train your pet

Finally, to avoid dog bites it is essential that the animal is well taught and knows that this is not correct. Education begins at 12 weeks of age, and if you don’t have time or don’t know how, you can go to a specialized school. This way you will prevent attacks on your family, friends or passersby. Do not forget that a dog has jaws and teeth to tear and do a lot of damage to a person.

Main image source: Ferran Pestaña.

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