Homemade Flea Control For Your Pet

Homemade flea control for your pet

Many keepers find it disconsolate to see their beloved pet attacked by dozens of fleas, which in addition to being irritating, can have harmful consequences for the animal’s health. However, don’t despair; We bring you some tricks to make a homemade flea control to help your pet.

All those who have had pets know how difficult it can be to get rid of these annoying pests, especially since they infest our carpets, furniture and other furniture, making it even more difficult to eradicate them.

What do I need to make my homemade flea control?

You will be surprised to know that making this practical flea will be very economical, in addition to being done very easily, because  this flea only contains 3 ingredients and its application will be in powder. The ingredients you will need are:

  • Flour
  • Neem powder
  • Yarrow Powder

This homemade flea control has the facility to be safe and to be able to be removed only with the brushing if necessary. Due to the ingredients of which it is composed, it will also prevent the bite of other kinds of insects and give your pet peace.

hair dog

Know the ingredients

Diatom Flour

This ingredient is important because it has a high content of Silica (or diatomine), which has the peculiarity of dehydrating cold-blooded organisms, without this implying any harm to warm-blooded animals.

This ingredient has a number of detractors, especially since it can harm cold-blooded animals (eg reptiles). However, the use of edible grade flour is highly recommended for animals with hair, such as cats or dogs, and its effect against skin parasites is more than proven.

Yarrow Powder

This is a product made from Yarrow herbs, which have a healing, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. This powder is perfect for healing wounds caused by bites, especially irritation.

Neem powder

This is a natural insect repellent made from the bark of the Neem tree. This natural product is used in extract to inhibit metamorphosis in insects and prevent reproduction. Also, it is used as a skin moisturizer.

Ingredients for flea

  • 50 g diatomaceous earth
  • 25g Neem powder
  • 25 g of yarrow powder
  • 1 large bowl
  • 1 wooden spoon
  • 1 plastic container with lid (preferably perforated)

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  • Sift each of the ingredients and mix them in a bowl.
  • Then, integrate them perfectly using the wooden spoon, avoiding lumps.
  • Once you have it ready, you just have to put it in the plastic container with a lid.  Using the cover is essential to prevent moisture from the environment from condensing inside.
  • Store it in a warm place without humidity to always keep it in optimal condition.

How to use

Brush your pet’s coat to avoid any dirt it may harbor. In addition, you will help to loosen some of the fleas that are not very attached.

Take the homemade flea control and sprinkle it over the mantle, starting from the back to the tail. Massage your pet’s fur so that it penetrates well into the inner mantles, either with your hand or with a brush against the grain. This will make the product better distributed.

The areas to avoid are the eyes, the mouth, the nose, the inner part of the ears, the pelvic area and the anus.  Contact with the mucous membranes of the animal can cause irritations. Therefore, you should only apply it to the chest, back, belly, legs, tail and the lower part of the neck.

Use the flea control once a month or after bathing, depending on the grooming habits you have with your pet, although you should keep in mind that it should be applied with dry fur.

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