For What Reason Should I Cut Off My Dog’s Tail?

For what reason should I cut off my dog's tail?

It is a custom with written historical records from the time of Jesus Christ. In those years, the reason was that, by removing white worms that supposedly resided in the animal’s appendix, it would prevent it from contracting rabies. But we may wonder, why should I cut my dog’s tail? Let’s check it out.

A little later, it would be determined that these supposed larvae were nothing more than tendons.

Over the centuries, the reasons why the tail should be lacerated varied on multiple occasions, whenever each of the theories was refuted.


One of the ones that has lasted the longest over the years is that hunting dogs with their natural tails are hampered in their work.

Another is that specimens with long tails are more likely to suffer fatal injuries caused by fights with other dogs, or in duels with larger animals.

But, without a doubt, the answer to why I should cut the tail of my most common dog today, obeys (supposed) aesthetic purposes. Dogs like Boxers, Dobermans, Pit Bulls, and even Poodles look obnoxious? What’s more, in some cases, they even call themselves diabolical with the full tail. And if the ears are not shaped as well, the picture is much worse. Or so some believe.

Spain has ratified – 30 years late – the European Convention for the Protection of Companion Animals. This regulation textually prohibits the practice of any type of surgical intervention on pets for aesthetic or non-curative purposes.

Reasons why I should NOT cut my dog’s tail

Many experts say that any amputation will cause a series of permanent collateral damage. These damages go unnoticed by the owners. But in no way do they imply that they are not a constant nuisance to the animal.

Darwin’s Theory of Evolution has been proven several times. That which some animal species does not need will gradually disappear, until no one remembers it. An example? Human beings are no longer as hairy as they were in the Stone Age, because they no longer need to protect themselves from the elements for a long time.

However, as much as some dog breeds for centuries have suffered systematic tail, whisker and ear lacerations, there is no evolution. These three elements are still present in all copies of the mutilated breeds. To the annoyance of lovers of “canine aesthetics”, no apparent changes.

Veterinarians believe that long after, dogs continue to feel pain from the severed appendix.

Dogs use their tails as a means of communication. By not having it, they lose a vital tool to interact with other dogs, and even with human beings. Although it may not seem like it, those who have dogs with natural tails are capable of distinguishing a significant number of emotions. These sensations are expressed by the animal through its posture or movements.

Their sense of balance and, on some occasions, mobility are affected.

Arguments in favor

There are fewer and fewer veterinarians who, at least publicly, answer affirmatively to the question posed by the title of these lines. Instead, many continue to provide reasons why it should not be done. For example, dogs with stumps are more likely to develop perineal hernias.

Some are more categorical in stating that dogs do not improve their health or quality of life in any way after losing their tail.

So why should I cut off my dog’s tail?

At present it is proven that mutilating animals is not practical. In fact, it does not obey more than a human whim, or the fulfillment of beauty standards. Spanish legislation and that of much of the world expressly prohibits cutting off tails, ears, and carrying out any surgical intervention that does not pursue medical objectives.

If despite all this, many still ask questions about how I should cut my dog’s tail , it seems that the only possible way out is to strictly apply the regulations. It would be desirable for the rest of the countries around the world to update their legislation. Also to be endowed with legal instruments to protect the animal world.

For what reason should I cut off my dog’s tail. For those looking for a concrete and forceful answer, the answer is: NO, you should not cut your dog’s tail.

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