Dwarf African Clawed Frog: Care And Characteristics

The African dwarf clawed frog is one of the best amphibians to start in the world of exotic pets, as it is a species of easy care and great resistance.
Dwarf African clawed frog: care and characteristics

Have you ever dreamed of having something more exotic than fish in an aquarium, but with similar care to them? If the answer is yes, the dwarf African clawed frog is the best possible pet for you.

Today we introduce you to an amphibian with atypical characteristics and care, because as we have anticipated, this frog does not come out of the water at any time in its life. Still, aquatic as it is, this anuran is not a good companion in aquariums with fish. If you want to know the care of this friendly and resistant animal, continue reading.

Initial considerations

The African dwarf clawed frog (genus Hymenochirus ) is an anuran amphibian in the Pipidae family  , a group of aquatic frogs that inhabit tropical South America and sub-Saharan Africa. We are facing very small animals, a graceful appearance and discreet colorations.

It is common for the dwarf African clawed frog to be confused with the dry clawed frog, that is, the genus  Xenopus . This is mainly due to the fact that both animals belong to the Pipidae  family  and are strictly aquatic. Still, they have little else in common other than their taxonomic relationship and their permanent underwater life. 

The most famous species of the genus  Xenopus  ( Xenopus laevis) can reach up to 12 centimeters in length, while African dwarf clawed  frogs barely exceed four centimeters. In addition, according to government agencies, the Xenopus laevis  species  is potentially invasive, so its possession is prohibited.

Due to this important consideration, it is essential that all guardians be cautious and ask before about the animal they are buying. Remember: the genus that concerns us today is Hymenochirus. In general, up to four species can be found for sale within this group. We show them below:

  • Hymenochirus boettgeri .
  • Hymenochirus boulengeri.
  • Hymenochirus curtipes.
  • Hymenochirus feae .

Dwarf frogs in an aquarium.

Caring for the dwarf African clawed frog

Once we have described the possible problems that a potential buyer may encounter, it is time to show the captive care of this curious species. Of course, we are facing one of the easiest exotic animals to care for in the entire field of terrariofilia.

As far as the aquarium is concerned – and due to the frog’s small size – a 30-liter tank will be more than enough for a couple of specimens. Of course, this receptacle must be densely planted and have abundant nooks and water branches. Environmental enrichment is essential for exotic animals.

As it is a tropical species, the ideal is that the water temperature remains at about 25 degrees Celsius throughout the year. This is achieved by means of a heater, but do not worry: this tool is very cheap, effective and can be found in any pet store.

Beyond this, it is advisable that the aquarium has a filter, as African dwarf clawed frogs generate waste – like any fish. Even so, it is advisable that it does not produce very strong currents, as the animal could be dragged and suffer continuous stress.

This frog is strictly carnivorous, so it should be offered small prey, which can be alive or dead. Mosquito larvae, flies, micro-crickets, small crustaceans or dwarf worms are always good options for the species. Of course: these animals can never be fed on fish food.

The importance of water

Amphibians exchange gases and maintain their internal homeostasis through the skin, which is why proper skin development is essential. For this reason, the aquarium water of the African dwarf frog must have a neutral pH and, above all, be free of chlorine. This chemical compound can damage the skin of the animal.

Finally, it is necessary to emphasize that it is not good to have these frogs with fish in the aquarium. The frog may try to eat the smaller fish, or vice versa. Furthermore, the waste substances from the fish can seriously harm the health of these amphibians.

A clawed frog with a black background.

An ideal first pet

As we have seen in these lines, the African dwarf clawed frog is a very interesting alternative to conventional fish. In addition, it produces characteristic “ultrasound” underwater songs that leave no one indifferent.

Without a doubt, due to its resistance and easy maintenance, this small amphibian is one of the best options to start in the world of exotic animals.

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