Dogs With Short Tails

Dogs with short tails

Some owners or breeders choose to cut their pets’ tails due to the “aesthetics” of the breed. However, there are dogs with a short tail or without it from birth. In this article we will tell you what they are.

What breeds of short-tailed dogs are there?

Those dogs that are born with short tails are known by the name of “brachyuros” (and when they do not have a caudal appendix they are called “anurans”). These are some of the breeds with this characteristic:

1. Bobtail

The Old English Sheepdog owes its original name precisely to this peculiarity of being born with a very small tail. It is a breed of herding and guard originating in Great Britain and of large size. The coat is dense and long and the colors are white, black and gray. The Bobtail has a very friendly face and seems to be always happy. Regarding its temperament, it is a friendly, sociable and cheerful pet.

2. English Bulldog

It is another of the dogs with a short tail from birth and despite its small size, it appears curly. The Bulldog originated in the United Kingdom in the 17th century and is one of the symbols of the country. Chubby in appearance, it has a large head, hanging lips and short fur in different colors (brindle, red, beige, white, etc).

3. Pembroke Corgi

His origins date back to several centuries in Wales, where he works as a shepherd. Small in size, this dog is the oldest in Great Britain and differs from the Cardigan Corgi by its height and the type of tail. The Pembroke is more robust, the tail is short and its head is similar to that of a fox. The hair can be reddish, black, beige or tan. It is a loving, intelligent, hardworking dog and perfect for houses with children.

4. French Bulldog

With its bat ears, this French dog that emerged at the end of the 19th century is of the small molossus type, although its closest relative (the English Bulldog) descends from the Mastiffs. The tail of this breed is small and knotted at the end. As for his character, it is worth noting that he is sociable, playful, cheerful, friendly and sweet. In addition, he is patient and protective of children.

5. French Pointer

Also known as the Pyrenean Braco, it is another of the short-tailed dogs. It is not very frequent to see him outside the borders of his country (near the border with Spain). It is a muscular, medium-sized animal with a short muzzle, brown nose and dark eyes. The coat of the French Pointer is short and fine, white with brown spots. He gets along very well with children and other pets.

6. Boston Terrier

Of North American origin, this small dog with a flattened snout and erect ears is born with a short tail as well as its limbs. It is a breed that tends to lose a lot of hair and suffer from dandruff if it is not bathed once a month. It is an excellent companion dog and adapts to life in a flat.

Dogs that have their tails docked

In addition to the breeds of dogs that are born with a very short tail, for different reasons, but mostly aesthetic, there are some that are amputated as soon as they are born, such as:

1. Cocker Spaniel

Both with English and American (but more in the first case) you can find specimens with short tails due to this procedure. For some breeders it is a custom that gives more elegance and harmony to the animal’s body.

2. Ardennes Mountain Dog

It is a breed native to Belgium near the border with Germany and France. Usually their tail is cut off, otherwise it is quite long. The coat is almost any color, has curly hair, short ears and can weigh up to 35 kg.

3. Schipperke

This dog from Flanders is a relative of the Belgian Shepherd and the habit of cutting off its tail derives from a legend. According to this, a copy of Schipperke who lived with a shoemaker in Brussels won a beauty contest. One of the owners of the other participants out of envy amputated his tail, leaving him a tail. However, the animal in question was more successful by sweeping the competitions, and since then, as soon as it is born, they are left without a tail.

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