Does My Dog ​​love Me? How Can I Find Out?

If you love your pet unconditionally, you surely assume that she loves you too. Although perhaps you have ever asked yourself: How can I know if my dog ​​really loves me?

Therefore, we tell you some signs that show the affection that your furry feels for you.

Reasons to ensure that your pet loves you

Although no one manages to be in the head and in the heart of the other to affirm what they think and feel, there are always signs that bring us closer to knowing that truth. So if your four-legged friend loves you, he will surely manifest it with these attitudes :

  • He has a need to be with you most of the time.
  • It licks your hands, feet, face …
  • He snuggles up next to you whenever he can.
  • Choose to sleep close to you.
  • Steal your socks and other clothing (because they smell like you).
  • It follows you wherever you go.
  • He is aware of every move you make.
  • He wags his tail every time he sees you.
  • Go crazy with joy when you return home, even if you were only 5 minutes away.

All in perspective

Keep in mind that some of these actions that are interpreted as the ways that the dog finds to express its affection to you may be indicating a behavior problem if they become excessive.

In that case, it will be necessary for you to seek professional help for your pet to solve disorders such as hyperapism or separation anxiety.

Other unequivocal signs so that you can affirm “my dog ​​loves me”

If you pay attention, there are many attitudes and reactions that your dog presents to show you all the affection he feels for you. We detail some more:

Let you caress her tummy

If your pet turns upside down and allows –and wants– you to caress its belly, you are in the presence of an act of dedication and total trust towards you. And it is that, when a dog adopts this position, it is showing submission and vulnerability.

Tolerate you hug him

Although you like to hug your dog to show how much you love him, dogs do not enjoy this display of affection. For them it means a show of dominance and they may feel threatened.

So, if your furry lets you hug him without problems, he is showing you that he really loves you.

Understand how you feel and accompany you in difficult times

Dogs are very sensitive animals. In addition, as they are aware of us, they immediately perceive if we are going through a bad time and they will be by our side to comfort us with their tenderness and affection.

It is the best guardian of your house

Unless you choose to correct this behavior, your dog will bark to warn you that someone is at or near your front door. It is because he considers you his family and is protecting the home.

Or it is simply notifying you that the visitors have arrived.

It is contagious from your yawn

That the animal yawns when you do it, is indicating how close it feels to you, to the point of synchronizing certain actions.

Brings you gifts

It’s not that I go to the store and choose a present to your liking. But, in its own way, your dog shows his affection also by giving you different objects. It could be one of their chewed toys, for example.

If he has access to a garden or field, try to hide your bad impression if he shows up with a dead animal as a gift.

Dog loves

Whether your dog loves you and shows you in different ways will depend a lot on you and the way you relate to him. Remember that love also in knowing how to set limits and teach to respect the spaces of each one.

An overwhelming and overly dependent relationship will not be good for either of you. So go for a long walk with him, let him socialize with other dogs and stimulate his intelligence with different games.

Surely with a lot of love and patience, your furry and you will find the best ways to express the mutual affection that they profess.

Image courtesy of colnik.

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