Did You Know That Cats Get Lost More Than Dogs?

Did you know that cats get lost more than dogs?

We have always heard that cats know how to get home. In fact, if we have friends with cats, it is likely that more than once when we go to their house the kittens are not there and they return alone. But you know what? If you have such a friend, tell him that he is lucky that his pet comes home, as cats get lost more than dogs.

We tell you these because statistics show that cats lose much more than dogs. These figures have shown that at least 70% of dogs return home to their family while only 5% of cats do. What is this about? We will tell you about it in this article.

Why are cats lost more than dogs?

institute of animal care, abandoned cats

There are several reasons why cats get lost more than dogs. We are going to list them for you.

  • Smell. Cats do not have developed smell in the same way as dogs, so they do not have olfactory memory and that makes it difficult for them to return home when they are lost.
  • Microchip. Despite the fact that this identification system is mandatory for cats and dogs, it has been proven that, for example, only in Spain 20% of felines have it against 90% of dogs. Hence, when a cat gets lost it is much more difficult to locate.
  • They do not know how to fend for themselves. Despite their fame as independents, a domesticated cat who is used to being among humans, if seen outside of his shelter, he will find himself lost and will not know what to do for himself, alone.
  • They are grouped in herds. Cats are very familiar, with humans and with other felines. If they start playing with others on the street and suddenly say goodbye, they will form a new family with their new friends.

How to prevent your cat from getting lost

There are many simple things you can do to prevent your feline pet from getting lost. If all the owners applied them, we would not have to say again that cats are lost more than dogs.

rescued orphan cats

  • Microchip it. This is more than a simple legality, it is a protection for your pet and a reassurance for you that your animal will not be lost. In the event of a disappearance, a microchip is a 100% secure way to locate your pet.
  • Windows closed. It is fine for your cat to go out to the terrace or look out the windows, but if he does it while you are not at home, the most normal thing that can happen is that he escapes. To avoid this, leave doors and windows closed while you are not home to ensure that your feline will be there when you return.
  • Identifying necklace. This is something that we usually put in dogs but not in cats. However, a feline is also a pet and, as we have seen, kittens get lost more than dogs. So why not put a necklace on it? Thus, if your cat gets lost, whoever finds it can find out where it lives and take it to your home.
  • Start the search as soon as possible. Many cat owners sit idly by when their pet disappears because they believe in the myth mentioned at the beginning that cats always come home. They believe that sooner or later they will return by their own means, but the truth is that that does not usually happen.

    Postponing the search brings only inconvenience, because the more time that passes, the further your cat will be from returning home. Therefore, if it is lost, do not fold your arms, start looking for it as soon as possible so that you can recover it.

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