Day Of The Dog Without Breed

Day of the dog without breed

In Spain, the Day of the Dog Without a Race is celebrated every year on May 28. These animals have the same charm as purebred dogs. It is important that we get advice before spending large sums of money on a canine. There are many who are in need of a home, and are not wanted because of race. This aspect should not be the most important. The bottom line is your relationship with us, not your appearance.

This day and the marches with dogs that are held serve to make many people aware of the importance of valuing the affection and dedication of all canines, regardless of their breed.

Term ‘Creole’


By using the term Creole we refer to words like vagabond, sick, mangy and stray animal, all in a derogatory way. But it is not the reality. The term Criollo means an unidentifiable or mixed breed dog or a so-called “cross” dog, as opposed to a purebred dog or a pedigree dog.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breedless dog

But these Creole dogs have their advantages. Among them, they are less affected in congenital diseases, although they are just as susceptible to serious diseases and need the same amount of care as a purebred dog.

An obvious disadvantage is that we cannot predict appearance, behavior and temperament in adulthood, as we can in other purebred dogs.

When choosing a purebred dog, we will take into account that it is not enough that they are beautiful, but that we must analyze all the needs and care that the breed needs and know if we can cover them.

An example of this is hair care. Purebred dogs require a lot of dedication to grooming ; some small breeds in addition to regular hair care require professional grooming.

In the case of purebreds, there are many inherited defects to which some breeds are more susceptible. We must make sure of the problems that may exist before going to see a litter of puppies. Looking at them can cause us a lot of attraction, but you have to have responsibility.

Crossbreed or mongrel dogs do not have obvious disadvantages compared to breed dogs, but they do have many advantages. They are very friendly and affectionate animals, as well as faithful, grateful, with an enormous capacity for affection and affection.

Each breedless dog is unique

These dogs that are not purebred are very intelligent and easily trainable. They do not suffer degeneration due to consanguinity and thanks to the “mixtures” from which they come, they have funny peculiarities that make each one of them an exclusive, unrepeatable, unique individual. In addition, they have great physical resistance and a long life span (dogs are known to have lived to 20 years).

They are shown to be calmer and more balanced than their purebred relatives ; it is true that crosses made by unprofessional breeders can cause behavioral changes in some breed specimens; however, the natural selection of mestizos almost entirely avoids these alterations.

The dogs that are roaming our streets and those that “escape” from the kennel where they will be euthanized will develop a survival instinct that will be passed on to subsequent generations , something that does not happen with purebreds.

A crossbreed dog can carry many generations of ancestors living with its owners and the ancestors of its owners until different circumstances lead to its abandonment. Therefore, they may be animals that are wanting to have a second chance to live with another family again. When they do, they will be extremely grateful.

How is a race formed?

dog seizures

An interesting theory to consider is that purebred dogs have actually been mongrels for a long time. For example, a breed as admired as the Saint Bernard, if we analyze its genealogy, we will see that it mixes bloods of German Bulldogs and Pyrenean mountain dogs; the bulldogs come from the mixture of mastiffs with Irish sighthounds, while the Pyrenean mountain dog descends from the Maremmano-Abruzzi and from the Hungarian shepherd Kuvasz, which in turn comes from other breeds.

We must not demonize the breedless or mongrel dog because they are not pure.

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