Caution: Wearing Animal Skins Makes You Ugly

Beware: wearing animal skins makes you ugly

There is a popular adage that says “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, all people would be vegetarian.” Much of the people prefer or choose to ignore all the cruelty behind many practices that involve animals (for example, the fashion industry versus the use of animal skins ).

However, this is not a reality alien to everyone and it is increasingly common for people to take a moral position against the non-use of fur as a way to avoid suffering to animals. On average, because of fashion, about sixty million animals die, either in traps or raised on farms, also consisting of an unnecessary and extremely cruel luxury.

The worst thing that can happen to any creature, be it animal or human, is intentionally inflicting pain on it, and within the fashion industry these ways go to unimaginable extremes, such as getting caught in bear traps or be skinned while still alive.

Unfortunately, due to the high costs that fur has in the market, the hunting of animals for these purposes has been terrible, even leading many species to extinction or leaving them at its doorstep. Equally unfortunate is that nearly 80 million unsuitable animals die in the traps left by hunters, which means a significant decline in the wild population for no apparent reason.


We must take into account and come to appreciate that one thing is to cause the death of an animal (which is bad enough) and another is the way in which this is done. In the case of animals that are taken from the wild, their death occurs in traps, and traps are not designed to give them a quick death. Sometimes the animal ends up suffering days in agony before its death occurs.

In the case of farm animals, the living conditions are not the best. They are generally subjected to overcrowding, without having optimal conditions, for example, of psychological health. In many cases the animals end up resorting to self-mutilation as a way to reduce the stress levels generated by the confinement. The death of these animals is not good either and the techniques vary a lot, although they all coincide when it comes to not generating any kind of trauma to the skin, therefore they range from gassing, poisoning, dislocation of the neck or electrocution.

Likewise, within animal husbandry farms, phenomena such as genetic manipulation are seen to highlight the ideal characteristics of the coat and improve its quality, or to improve the reproduction of the species.

Another problem present on farms is that of the domestication of wild animals. Although ranching emerged as an alternative to hunting and to reduce the impact on the wild population, the problem is that, through domestication, species lose their ability to fend for themselves, as well as many of the characteristics, which begin to be shaped by humans to facilitate coexistence. Therefore, domestication often means the disappearance of the species in its wild state.

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However, what we must take into account is the purpose of having fur. Many of the buyers argue that these garments protect them better from the cold, which has been a concise answer, since with the living conditions of modern man, with the exception of isolated regions or communities, the cold is no longer a reason to wear fur. Many years ago.

The reason why the use of fur is encouraged is because they are a sign of social status, therefore, there are those who understand the use of fur as a sample of elegance and high birth. However, the idea that is currently being promoted is that, beyond glamor, cruelty is never going to be elegant.

Whoever buys animal skins is responsible

As it was said at the beginning, despite the fact that many want to turn their backs on reality, the truth is that whoever buys or promotes this type of activity also shares the responsibility for the death of the animals, and their money is what finances this type of activities.

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