Border Collie

The most intelligent breed in the world is an ideal pet due to its friendly, energetic nature and the ability to empathize with its owners.
Border collie

The Border Collie is one of the most beloved breeds today. They are very intelligent medium-sized dogs that stand out for their great energy and enthusiasm for doing things. If you want to have a partner in a rural or urban environment, they are always a choice that does not fail.

The smart border collie

It is not known where this species of dogs comes from, although  archaeologists speculate that they first appeared in the British Isles between the 4th and 1st centuries BC with the arrival of the Celts on the island. This tribe knew how to take advantage of the great intelligence of the breed and began to use them as herding dogs.

In fact, the word  collie in the Celtic language means ‘useful’.  In addition to being herdsmen, Border Collies were employed as guardians of homes and even as hunters of small prey.

Also, the breed gradually changed over time, but  it was not until the 20th century that the International Cynological Federation and the Kennel Club established a standard for the breed.

At present, this species is very loved by young and old alike, as they are very affectionate and playful, and they know how to obey without question. Some specimens can even communicate non-verbally with their owners.

Physical characteristics

The Border Collie is a medium-sized breed, very light and adept at whatever task they are assigned. The most striking physical aspects of the breed are varied, and among them stand out the usually black and white coat, a very insightful look and a dense coat.

Border collie character

  • The skull is proportional to its body.
  • Its muzzle is the same size as the skull.
  • The jaw is articulated in the form of a scissor.
  • The eyes are small, round in shape, and with little separation from each other. The look gives the feeling of intelligence and playfulness.
  • The ears start behind the head and slightly above the eyes. They are medium in size and do not hang down.
  • The chest is a bit long and muscular.
  • The back is elongated, with a curve towards the end.
  • The tail is long and moderately thick, very hairy like its body.
  • The limbs are long and muscular.
  • The animal’s fur has a double coat, a thicker outer one that protects from dirt and a thinner inner one in charge of giving heat.


Border Collies are very obedient and calm animals  in most situations. However, this tranquility can be misleading, since we are talking about a breed dedicated to rural work, as it has a large reserve of energy accumulated within them.

Intelligence is undoubtedly the aspect that stands out the most of them.  In fact, some owners express that the animal only needs to gesture while living with them. If at any point you find yourself under pressure, the dog detects it immediately, and will immediately do some mischief to cheer you up.

For these reasons, they are perfect animals to have as a family, given how playful they can be. Thanks to this quality, they get along very well with children of all ages, but because they are very friendly dogs, they should not be left without adult supervision.

Their preferred environment is rural spaces, where they can run with total freedom and do their thing whenever they want. In the same way,  they adapt quickly to the closed spaces of urban life, as long as they are given the exercises and walks that every dog ​​needs.


These dogs require extensive physical training to exhaust the energy they store inside. The constant crossing between breeds in the past gave it this characteristic, which for some owners, can be a great headache.

Border collie: obedience training

If it is not properly drained, the animal can end up developing very unpleasant behaviors, such as barking, hyperactivity and, in some cases, it can end up eating its owner’s belongings. One way that we recommend you to avoid these behaviors is to jog with the animal or ride a bicycle next to it.

To eliminate his herding instincts,  it is best to adapt him from puppyhood to elements that may distract him in the future, such as cars and birds. Basic obedience exercises don’t hurt either.

Health and disease

The Border Collie is a breed that, although strong by the nature of the work for which it was designed, has some degenerative diseases that can impair its longevity. Most of these  are hereditary and currently have no cure.

One of these syndromes is the collie eye anomaly, a disease in which the dog gradually loses its vision as the years go by. Another more lethal pathology is called neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, a degenerative disease of neurons with no cure.

Other diseases that are more common are hip dysplasia, while some individuals have epilepsy. A visit to the vet every month is recommended to check his health and verify that everything is in order.

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