Are There City And Country Dogs?

A dog that is raised and adopted in a city is not uncommon to suffer from levels of stress or anguish that the country dog ​​does not have.
Are there city and country dogs?

When talking about dogs, it is necessary to mention the world in which they develop, since the environment influences their behavior. In addition, the behavior of the people around them must be taken into account. What are city and country dogs like?

It must be remembered that, as with other living beings, including humans,  the context influences the adaptation of their existence. City and country dogs are defined by the space in which they live on a daily basis.

As with humans, dogs acquire characteristics depending on where they live. That is, in the city or in the country; It is not the same to live in large cities, where the pace of life is much more intense, than in a peaceful area of ​​nature.

In the countryside, on the other hand, the development of life has another rhythm; In rural areas, agriculture prevails. People wake up very early and go to bed very early. This existence marks the life of its inhabitants and, also, that of their pets.

Dogs for the field

City and country dogs differ by the vortex or peace of the places where they live. It is not uncommon for a dog that is raised and adopted in a city to suffer from levels of stress or distress that the country dog ​​does not have.

The walk

The dogs have been analyzed in their walking routines and the conclusions show different results. The breeds of dogs that live in the countryside, for an elementary question of space, move freely and without a leash. However, they avoid losing contact with their owners and do not stray too far from them.

For its part, the dog that lives in the city is usually anxious and when you take it out for a walk, it seeks to run away. For this reason it is lost, on many occasions. He is not used to maintaining eye contact with the person who walks him.

The sense of smell

Dogs have a highly developed sense of smell, as has been shown. However, in the case of country and city dogs there are some added features. These peculiarities are not referred to ‘how much more’ they can smell, but to patience and concentration when doing it.

The dog that grows up in the field develops much more patience and takes more time to sniff. If the animal has been raised in the field, it is given to follow clues and signals and, in addition, it likes it.

Smell of the beagle

E l dog bred in the city, the more uneasy, unless unless you are trained, much less patient, sniffs quickly and continues to search for other traces.


Comments are often common that country dogs have fewer problems than city dogs. They are said to have fewer behavior problems and are in better health.

In short, they are said to lead a better life than city-bred dogs. It is not entirely improbable that this has some touch of reality.

The reasons may be the following:

The habitat

The life of a dog raised in the field, in a natural environment, is that of an animal that does not feel the rigors of confinement.  The field dog has more space to display its capabilities.

Obviously, the dogs that live in a house, in the city, are not in their natural environment. It is also a repetitive and closed environment. And when we take it out for a walk, it is usually under the same routine, in the same spaces and on the same routes. This fact is exacerbated if you have a dog that has a high capacity for energy that it needs to discharge.

For these reasons, it is usually recommended that city dogs change their routine. That they can vary their routes and, in this way, help them not to get too stressed.

Contact with people

Finally, it should be noted that it is the contact with people, with their owner, in daily tasks, which creates another attitude in the field dog. The dog has always been an animal that has fulfilled functions with the human being, it is seen as a pet and as a company; It is for this reason that he is always calmer.

There is still much to investigate and learn about city and country dogs; their company has always been fundamental to human beings, and how they will develop in their habitat depends on them.

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