Acne In Pets

Acne in pets

Although it seems impossible, animals can suffer from acne. As in people, acne in pets is due to hormonal disorders, although there may also be hereditary factors associated with this condition.

Acne in pets is the infection of a hair follicle on the skin; Although it has no major medical consequences, it is important to take care of the infection.

This skin rash in pets occurs at their age of puberty, between three and 12 months of age. Only in some cases has acne been seen in adult animals.

How acne occurs in pets

 The most common areas where acne appears are the head, extremities and back; also on the muzzle and genitals. This skin infection is more common in short-haired dogs, as the follicles become clogged with the same sebum from the skin. It can also be seen in cats.

Perro blanco tumbado en el cesped
Source: Cody Wellons

It should be noted that acne in pets appears the same as in people : bumps and abscesses on the skin, reddish and with pus, known as pimples or pimples. In some cases, the pimple or pimple is internal ; therefore, its appearance will be only a bump.

Many times the pimples can go unnoticed, so it is important to observe the dog well at bath time. Also while stroking or combing it, you can see the bumps.

In animals, acne can be itchy or uncomfortable, causing dogs to scratch regularly. In many cases, this can lead to further infection in the area. For these reasons, it is important to keep the affected area clean.

Recommendations for treating acne in pets

Acne progresses and improves once adulthood is reached. Around one year of the pet’s age, the signs begin to disappear or become unnoticeable.

However, in the presence of acne, some measures can be taken to improve the appearance of the animal. In the same way, the discomfort caused by the pimple can be treated.

  • First of all, it is important to keep the dog clean. Using a shampoo for animals reduces the presence of oil or sebum on the skin, which causes the clogging of the pore.

If there are already pimples, cleaning becomes even more necessary. On the days that the animal is not bathed, the affected area can be cleaned with a little hydrogen peroxide and cotton.

  • Products that are not suitable for animals should not be applied. Among other things, because they could further irritate the affected area or generate some type of allergy.
  • Products developed for the care of acne in people can dry out the skin of animals.
  • The temptation to squeeze or break the grain should be avoided ; This can lead to further infection and even abscess formation. Once the pimple matures, it explodes on its own and disappears.
  • It is always important to visit the specialist. An evaluation can rule out a hormonal disorder such as acne in pets, especially if it is an adult dog or animal.
  • Only in some cases is the use of antibiotics or anti-inflammatories recommended,  generally when acne is chronic. It must always be remembered that the supply of any medication must be done under the supervision of the specialist.

Home treatments for pet acne 

Although the recommendation for any pathology or condition is a visit to the specialist, there are some options that can be used. There are some topical treatments that improve acne in animals,  although prior to this it is important to clean the affected area.

Source: Tim
  • For example , calendula is a plant known for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. It is recommended to dilute five drops of calendula tincture in 100 milliliters of water; then it is applied to the affected area. The plant should not be applied directly to acne, as it can worsen the condition.
  • Another recommended treatment is aloe vera, which can be found in different formats: gel, tincture and cream. As far as possible, you should choose the natural presentation, since the commercial ones have perfumes or colorants.
  • Aloe vera is an astringent plant that quickly reduces acne.
  • Green tea leaves also have healing properties for pimples and pimples. You can apply the water or tea bags directly to the affected area; it will serve as an anti-inflammatory.

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    Main image source: Susanne Nilsson

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