Blepharitis In Cats: Symptoms And Treatment

Eye diseases are common in cats that do not enjoy adequate health and hygiene conditions; Among these diseases we have blepharitis, which also manifests itself as a sign of another type of pathology, such as leishmaniasis
Blepharitis in cats: symptoms and treatment

Cats can suffer from different diseases throughout their lives. The eyes are quite sensitive and can develop diseases such as blepharitis, of which we inform you below.

What is blepharitis?

Blepharitis is a disease that is defined as an inflammation of the eyelids. The origin of this disease varies, and it can be infectious, immune-mediated (immune-mediated), or allergic.

Despite being called ‘eyelid inflammation’, it is rarely localized only to the eyelids. It usually manifests as a generalized dermatosis on the skin of the face.

Therefore, most of the inflammatory processes in the eyelids show alterations in the cutaneous part. For this reason, they should be treated as dermatological disorders.

General blepharitis

Blepharitis is called general when the inflammation simultaneously affects all the elements that go into the formation of the eyelids. Inflammation tends to be seen normally on the upper eyelid.

Partial blepharitis

Blepharitis is called partial when the inflammation only affects a part of the elements that go into the formation of the eyelids.

Partial blepharitis can be given the surnames mucosa, glandular, or furunculous. According to the signs that the animal shows, the professional will classify the disease. 


The origin of this pathology can be multiple, so it is necessary to know the different etiologies that can cause it.

The origin of the infection can be bacterial. Bacterial infections of the eyelids can be transmitted in two ways: by bites or scratches between cats.

The pathology can be caused by parasites, which are one more symptom of the disease caused by them. Among the parasites that can cause this disease are Leishmania spp. , causing leishmaniasis, or Sarcoptes scabiei,  causing scabies.

It can have an immunological origin, caused by autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus or pemphigus, among others.

On the other hand, it is also possible that it has a fungal origin. Among the fungi that can cause this disease is the genus  Microsporum or the genus Trichophyton.

Finally, other causes can be allergic or seborrheic reactions. More rarely, medial canthus blepharitis, which is associated with race and autoimmune etiology, can be detected.

Inflammation of the eyelids in cats

Symptoms of blepharitis

The etiology of this pathology can have multiple origins, so the lesions can be varied. Despite this, among the symptoms that can be observed in this disease are the following:

  • Eye discomfort The animal is uncomfortable and tries to rub its eyes frequently. Lesions such as edema, pustules, scabs, ulcers, etc. can be observed.
  • Red eyes. 
  • Conjunctivitis. This pathology causes intense tearing, itching and redness. It can be caused by a bacterial or viral organism. It can also be an allergic response or as a manifestation in the presence of a foreign body.
  • Mucous or mucopurulent discharge. It doesn’t always happen.
  • Focal forms. Sometimes focal forms appear, such as styes, which are easier to diagnose and treat.
  • Lesions on the skin. Being a dermatological disease, manifestations and wounds are usually observed on the animal’s face.
  • Strange behavior in the animal. If the animal is irritated, tries repeatedly to rub its eyes, or if unusual behavior is observed, it is best to consult a professional.

    Symptoms usually appear progressively. Although, on occasion, acute presentations can take place. Mild conjunctivitis is often seen before redness and subsequent swelling of the eyelids occur.


    Depending on the etiology of the blepharitis, the veterinarian will suggest a specific treatment or another type of treatment. If the origin is bacterial, a broad-spectrum antibiotic is prescribed systemically. In the event that no improvement is observed, other tests such as cultures or an antibiogram would be performed. Viruses can also be the cause of this disease.

    On the other hand, if the cause of the disease has been a parasite, a topical and systemic treatment will be carried out. The prognosis for this disease is often good. However, the treatment is long, lasting several weeks. 


    Cleaning the eyelids prevents the appearance of problems such as conjunctivitis or blepharitis. Thus, it is advisable to clean them daily.

    Cleaning the eyelids in a cat

    Normally, cats are neat animals that groom themselves and thus prevent different diseases. However, before any unusual sign in the animal, it is better to consult a specialist. 

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