Tapping, A Curious Technique For Our Pets

Tapping, a curious technique for our pets

Just as it happens to people, in the animal world there are times when they too can feel stressed, anxious, nervous about noise, and all kinds of situations. To avoid these situations and improve your mood, there is a technique that contributes to your physical and emotional well-being, Tapping.

This technique called Tapping is an emotional release tool. The central idea is that, at some point in their life, pets can have a psychological trauma as a result of some problem, such as an illness or a negative experience, and this leads to a block that prevents them from having a healthy life.

From humans to animals

White cat

Although in principle they were developed for people, Tapping (literal translation, “tapping with the fingers”, is a technique that is applied on important points of the energy meridians of the pet’s body, in a gentle way, sending small vibrations or soft pulsations.

The pet may have some fear, due to problems with its physical condition, or some pathology that may not be appreciated because it belongs to the world of the mind. As a result of this the behavior of our pet will be altered. Many times we have seen our friend sad, dull, unwilling, even with moans of complaint, and we do not know the reasons. He can be scared, angry, fearful, anxious, and this produces a state of negativity and nervous tension, and we will see him very touchy and even irascible.

Tapping is an emotional release technique to activate different parts of the body. It consists of making subtle, soft touches with our fingers to release negative emotions. It is a tool similar to acupuncture but without needles. It is used in humans, but it can also be applied to dogs, cats, and all kinds of pets.

How to apply tapping

To use this technique with our pets we must create a climate of trust, tranquility, and without tension, it is through symbols, objects, words that the animal recognizes and associates. It can be done through play and we will be able to free our friend from negative memories. If a specific word brings bad thoughts, we can erase this effect if we repeat it and play at the same time, so that our pet erases this memory and replaces it with a more positive experience.

The Proxy-Tapping

There are animals that are more aggressive and do not allow us to touch them. In this case, to do Tapping we will apply it remotely or using your caregiver, telling you over the phone what you have to do. We are referring to PROXY-TAPPING, which is a substitution tapping. This means that we will touch our body but visualize our pet.

More information about Tapping

scared dog

If we tap on ourselves and at the same time we are mentally thinking about our pet’s illness or problem, we can help him without touching the animal, or without him being present, many inconveniences of his character, health, behavior.

Tapping is a simple technique, but it is necessary to be informed to be able to carry it out, and also practice before using it. To internalize it, it is not necessary for our pet to be present, we will have to learn to use the energy points that are called meridians of the body, and that we will have to unlock with taps.

In learning this technique it is useful to know the background of the pet, its history, its previous life. If it is an adopted dog, the problems it may have had, fears, illnesses, etc. If it is our own pet and we have had it since it was a puppy, we must also remember the difficult moments that our friend may have experienced to do this emotional release technique.

Even the happy moments that we have shared with our dog will help us in this task, because the animal remembers many phrases that give it very good memories and knowing how to say them in time contributes to a good emotional development.

We can use the Tapping technique frequently, whenever we consider it appropriate or we see our pet in a state of anxiety, but it is important that we assimilate its use well to be able to achieve an affective relationship between the person and the animal , which will improve their well-being. general and their health, not only physical but also affective.

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