3 Tricks With Olive Oil For Dogs

3 tricks with olive oil for dogs

Olive oil, that product so representative of Spain, never ceases to amaze us with the multiple uses and benefits that it brings us, both internally and externally. But humans are not the only ones who can enjoy its benefits. Today we tell you some tricks to use it with your dog as well.

Olive and dogs, a good pair

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Either as part of their diet or applying it to specific areas of their body, olive oil can be a good ally for the health and beauty of your furry friend.

Its components, such as antioxidants, vitamins i na E and Omega 3, contribute to your pet, for example:

  • Best and their skin and fur.
  • I lost weight.
  • Strengthen your defenses.
  • Live longer.

In addition, contrary to what might seem a priori, it is usually an a food that you like consume the dogs. Anyway, don’t stop co nsulta r to l vet to avoid possible imbalances in your pet’s diet .

Some uses of olive oil that will benefit your furry

Take note of these options that olive oil offers you to solve some problems that your dog may suffer. These little tricks that we propose are a homemade, natural and healthy option that your pet will surely appreciate you using it.


If your four-legged friend have difficulty defecating , try giving a tablespoon of olive oil on an empty stomach. Its laxative properties are very effective and the dog will most likely regain its normal bowel movement rate very soon.

Oil act “Grease ing “The intestine of the dog. This unctuousness causes stagnant stools to slide off naturally. You will not need to give him any chemicals to get your dog to poop.

2-Cracked pads or a s pears

The pads of dogs are like their shoes. And while they should be tough, there are times when they can crack or become very rough.

If this happens, a good option to rebuild them is to spread a little olive oil on the area with your fingers, once a day, for about a week.

To prevent the dog from licking the soles of his feet or leaving oil stains all over the house, you can put socks on him for a while.

3-Scabies and ticks

If you apply olive oil to the areas affected by scabies, the nests of the mites that produce it are weakened.   But in addition, you will hydrate the furry skin, which is dry due to the infection.

For its part, it is also an ingredient that facilitates the elimination of ticks. Once you locate this annoying parasite, you should moisten the area with a little olive oil. You wait a few seconds, You remove the hair and, if necessary, you can use tweezers to remove it, always pulling in the same direction in which your dog has been hooked.

Olive oil in your dog’s diet

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As you can see, olive oil never ceases to amaze us with the multiple possibilities it offers for the health and beauty of humans and animals. And any Mediterranean diet worth its salt cannot do without it.

But keep in mind that if you plan to incorporate this food into your dog’s usual diet, you should consult an animal nutrition specialist to tell you the best way to do it.

As what is left over can be as bad as what is lacking, find out if your feed already covers all your nutritional needs.

If you give your dog homemade food, ask the professional to specify how much olive oil you can include in the dog’s diet according to its size, age and peculiarities of the animal.

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