6 Reasons Why To Train Your Dog Correctly

6 reasons why to train your dog correctly

The education of the dog is usually the stone in the shoe of many owners, especially when they are puppies. Apart from the necessary care, dogs demand a lot of attention when they are being educated. Basically many of the problems that adult dogs develop are due to breeding problems. Dogs that do not follow orders (or were never taught them), nervous, aggressive, destructive, are the result of owners who did not spend enough time with their pet. So here are some of the reasons why you should train your dog correctly:

You have a peaceful coexistence

In fact, there are a large number of situations in which our coexistence is affected because we have a poorly behaved dog. Excessive barking, relieving himself everywhere, grunting, biting, that no one can visit our house, that destroys it in seconds, fights with neighbors are just some of the situations that can be generated inside our home if we have a spoiled dog. And if you live with more people and the dog is your responsibility, it will create more of an argument and discontent. Unfortunately, failure to follow due process of education can lead to neglect or mistreatment of the pet, and the saddest thing of all is that the dog is not to blame.

You extend their average life

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One of the leading causes of premature death in dogs is related to household accidents. Many are injured or require surgery for eating things that they should not, for running like crazy inside the home, because they were scared and jumped from a window or balcony, because scratching things splinters or debris buried in their legs, because they were chasing cars or another animal during a walk, for fighting with other dogs, because they bit a cable, well, dogs are experts at getting into trouble and although education is not a guarantee that they will not get hurt, if you can avoid many situations that they can put the health and integrity of your pet at risk.

You improve the cleaning of your home

Believe me when I tell you that our dog’s physiological needs are NOT the only way it can make our home dirty. If you have habits such as digging around the patio or flowerpots, chewing on objects such as furniture, cushions or clothes, ask for food while you’re eating (I had a boxer a couple of years ago and they can salivate) or if they scratch compulsively your house will to be very far from being that space of relaxation and neatness with which we dream.

You prevent health problems

Living with a poorly educated pet, especially if it barks too much or has habits that drive us crazy, can lead to many health problems related to stress such as gastritis, back and neck pain, migraine, among others. In fact, many canine behavior experts compare living with a rude dog to living with a spoiled child or a violent partner.

The emotional stability of people depends to a large extent on the spaces in which they operate, therefore having to deal with the bad habits that your dog has adopted can be a harmful situation for you. Although do not despair, in general the behaviors of dogs can be shaped with patience and affection.

You can have other pets

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If you are an animal lover, the situation may arise in which you are self-conscious about acquiring new pets because your dog is aggressive towards other animals or excessively nervous in their presence. Both are situations that can be avoided by doing a proper dog socialization process. Keep in mind that socialization is not only related to people and animals, it involves all the environments in which the dog will be involved, places, vehicles, sounds and smells are part of the environments that the dog must get used to to avoid bad behavior in the adult animal.

You can go for a walk or leave it alone at home

It is very sad to see owners fighting with their pets in the middle of the street because they do not know how to behave, or worse, that they keep them locked up at home. Part of the wonderful thing about having a dog is being able to enjoy it in the many aspects that its company, strength and vitality offers us, however many deprive themselves of this by not correcting the dog.

Another problem is the dogs that cannot be left alone because they begin to suffer from anxiety and stress, releasing said anxiety at the point of howls or, worse for you but a relief for your neighbors, destroying your house.

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