Bo And Sunny, Obama’s Dogs

Bo and Sunny, Obama's dogs

Although for a short time, because the American presidency is renewed, a new tenant has entered the White House very recently . It’s about Sunny. We are going to meet Obama’s dogs today.

The groomed and groomed puppy joins Bo, who arrived in 2009. He and his new “brother” are likely to keep company with the president in the Oval Office and on his nightly walks.

At the time, Bo’s arrival in the White House was the largest publicity campaign for this famous breed of dog in the United States since its introduction in the 1960s.

Famous dogs: Bo and Sunny, Obama’s dogs

During these years they have been the best known pets in the United States. Their names are Bo and Sunny, and they are the two Portuguese Water Dogs of the Obama family.

They chose this breed because Malia, one of Obama’s daughters, has an allergy. These dogs are very suitable for those cases.

They differ very well because Bo’s belly and legs are white, unlike Sunny, who has all black fur. Of course, both have enviable curls. Bo was a gift

They congratulate people on the holidays

Everyone in America loves them. Among other things, they are delighted that they participate in the Christmas or Easter greetings. And they are two more famous members of the family.

When the busy schedule of the president of the United States allows it, Barack Obama goes for a walk on the grounds of the White House with his dogs. At times he has allowed them to accompany him in the oval office.

Two hairy media stars

But there is more. In addition to participating in comics and some television shows, Obama’s dogs,  Bo and Sunny, are the ideal patron of Obama’s good deeds.

The two dogs are adorable. And it is that with that beauty that they have it is difficult not to fall asleep before everything that they participate.

If you start to improve America’s water resources, there is one of your dogs to work for the cause through videos on social media. If you have to meet the military or their families, Bo and Sunny go there

Bo and Sunny’s busy schedule, Obama’s dogs

Although the life of a dog can be somewhat monotonous, for Bo and Sunny, Obama’s dogs, their day to day is full of adventure and commitment. These two Portuguese water furies do more than eat and sleep.

Bo, with his white chest and front legs of the same color, and Sunny, completely black, are the canine ambassadors of the White House. And they are just as popular as its inhabitants.

The animals are so well known that they have established schedules and an agenda. As Michelle Obama used to say, Bo and Sunny have a following: “Everybody wants to see them and take pictures of them,” said the First Lady. “I received a memo at the beginning of the month with a request for their schedules and I have to approve their submissions.”

Some peculiar tasks

The eldest of the canine couple has an important task: to help Dale Haney, head gardener of the presidential residence, on his tours of the property’s gardens, considered a national park.

Mrs. Obama has said, “He goes out every morning and goes with Dale and he’s with all the guys who work in the park. And you will see it out there, walking and approaching all the plants. I think he thinks he really has a job, he takes it very seriously … For example, if I go out and see him, he makes me ignore because he is with ‘his work team’ ”.

Kidnapping risk

Bo and Sunny are so loved and appreciated by members of the White House that in January of this year the alarms went off, as a man had plans to kidnap them. The Secret Service arrested a North Dakota man in Washington who sought to take famous pets by force.

Some excellent swimmers

Water dogs have historically been considered great swimmers. They are used for maritime rescue thanks to their wide hooves.

This breed has been used by fishermen in Portugal as a companion. Also as a watchdog. The dogs worked in the rearing of fish, the recovery of lost or broken nets, and even as canine messengers from ship to shore.

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