Never Give Your Pet Candy

Never give your pet candy

There are people who think that a small piece of chocolate or giving your pet candy or any other item with sugar will not hurt. However, it is medically proven that doing so seriously endangers your dog’s health for different reasons.

In fact, any type of food that contains sugar is considered toxic for the animal. So if from time to time you like to make sweets and you think that because your dog looks at you while you make them you should give him a piece, listen to the reasons why you should not do it.

How does giving sweets affect your pet?

give chocolate to a dog

  • Poisoning. Sugar is considered one of the most toxic foods for our dog, as it can trigger serious illnesses and even death, so giving your pet sweets, even in small amounts, would be like gradually poisoning your companion.
  • Diabetes. Dogs are very easy to suffer from this disease and even if the amounts of candy you give them are minimal, diabetes can wake up quickly.
  • Alterations. We must never forget that dogs are different from us in many ways and their stomach is something that they have very different from ours. It cannot metabolize according to what substances we are used to eating and sugar is one of them. Its high glucose content cannot be digested by your animal, leading to serious disorders in its body.
  • Obesity. This glucose compound is high in fat and calories and if your dog takes it, even in small amounts but continuously, it will visibly raise its weight, leading to other types of problems such as heart problems, for example.
  • Pancreatitits. By consuming more fats than the body needs, the body quickly begins to work to create the enzyme that will be responsible for digesting and also absorbing them. This enzyme known as Lipase is formed in the pancreas, which when seeing the need for it, begins to create it on a large scale, becoming swollen and getting pancreatitis. No kidding, this is a very serious matter.

Chocolate, the most common sugary food

All dogs are fascinated by chocolate. Just by smelling it they already know that it is close and when you are eating it and your little friend comes to look at you with those sad eyes, you cannot help but give him a piece. But are you doing well?

The answer is clear: NO. Chocolate is not only toxic because it contains sugar, but its compounds also become one of the most dangerous foods that exists.

One of these compounds is Theobromine, which is present in large quantities in a chocolate bar.

The problem is that people have the ability to assimilate and metabolize Theobromine quickly, however dogs do it very slowly, almost non-existent, which causes it to accumulate in their body until reaching toxic levels that can even kill your pet. So giving these sweets to your pet is very dangerous.

Can sugar in small amounts harm my dog?

Maybe not. But what for you may be a small amount, for your dog’s stomach it may not be.

On the other hand, you may give or want to give a small amount from time to time, but will you keep track of how much and when you give it? We do not see it very feasible, so following what scientific studies have proven, it is better to forget to give your pet anything sweet and avoid problems. Think that your dog’s life is at stake.

Other foods that you should not give your dog

human food to dogs

There are other foods that you should avoid completely as they can cause great harm to your pet. This is the list:

  • Milk
  • Bones
  • Alcohol
  • Spiced meats (this includes cold cuts)
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Coffee
  • Grapes or raisins

We encourage you to read in our articles related to these foods and know why they are not a good option for your dog. Don’t think about it too much, your best friend’s life is at stake.

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