5 Tips So That Your Dog Always Comes When You Call Him

5 tips for your dog to always come when you call

Despite the efforts you have put into educating your furry dog, they may sometimes ignore you when you claim their presence. And this usually happens, usually outside your home, where you can have less control over their movements. But do not despair. There are always solutions. We tell you some recommendations to get your dog to always come when you call him.

Tips for your dog to answer your call

border collie

Positive reinforcement is always the best way to approach a dog’s education. In a fundamental issue such as that the dog comes when you call it, using this method gives good results.

But keep in mind that, on some occasions, your furry may not approach, at least immediately. So take note of these tips that we develop below.

1-Relate the call with positive moments

If your dog links your call only with the end of the walk or, for example, with taking some medicine, it is most likely that he will not come. Therefore, you must ensure that he associates this moment with situations that are pleasant for him:

  • Toys
  • Candies
  • Petting
  • Words of encouragement

So if you’re in a park, don’t claim their presence just to get home. Call him at various times, reward him for good behavior, and then let him continue exploring or playing.

2-Do not call your dog if you know that he will not come

Before claiming the presence of your furry by your side, see what it is doing. If the activity that he is developing is more interesting for him than answering your call, the ideal is that you wait for a more opportune moment to summon him.

If your dog is entertaining playing with other dogs, rolling around in the dirt, or sniffing something that his great nose detected, chances are he will pay little or no attention to your requirements. So you wait for him to relax or finish what he’s doing and then grab his attention.

3-Do not be angry with your pet if he does not respond quickly to your call

If your furry does not come promptly, do not show signs of anger, much less punish him. When he finally gets to your side, reward him anyway because even though he was delayed, he did finally listen to you.

On the other hand, if you scold him for his attitude, the only thing you will achieve is that he associates the call with negative situations and that, directly, he stops coming. The most convenient thing is to receive it, every time, as he would. So even if it’s only been a few minutes, show him how happy you are that he’s by your side again.

4-Do not lose your calm if you want your dog to always come when you call him

Even if you notice that your pet is in some kind of danger, because he is straying too far or going towards a road, never lose your calm. And much less convey that feeling with your voice. Always call it optimistic, even if you are panicking. If your furry notices that you are nervous or angry, it is very likely that he will panic and move away even more.

It is also not recommended that you run towards it because it is possible that the animal will also run and go even further. On the other hand, if you run in the opposite direction, you may be able to start following you.

5-Always use the same order to call your furry

train your pet

One final tip. Always use the same way to call your dog. “Come” “or Come here” are usually the most recommended. But maybe other options are better for you.

The important thing is that you do not confuse your four-legged friend. If you use different ways to claim their presence, they may not fully understand what you are asking and, for this reason, they do not respond to your call.

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