5 Sacred Animals

For each civilization or culture, there are a series of revered species, which have been given divine characteristics, and which are related to myths and legends.
5 sacred animals

One of the main lessons we learn when traveling is that points of view change dramatically depending on where we were born or raised. There are sacred animals in certain countries and in others they are not considered in the same way. Get to know some examples in this article.

What sacred animals are there?

The belief that animals are sacred beings has been around for a long time. Ancient civilizations have given divine characteristics to the species that were close to them, and many legends and myths revolve around them. Some examples are:

1. Elephant (Thailand)

It is the national symbol – the silhouette was used for the flag until 1917 – and an animal more than linked to the history of this Southeast Asian country. The white elephant is the most sacred to the Thai people and for 5,000 years they have revered it by associating it with royalty and prosperity.

At present, the Asian elephant – the photo that opens this article – is in danger of extinction due to hunting, logging of native forest and use for tourism. The good news is that there are several sanctuaries where you can see them in the wild without disturbing them.

2. Cow (India)

One of the most curious images of India is to see cows roaming the streets and between markets. Nobody does anything to them and they take care of them more than their own children. A Hindu will never eat a piece of beef, even if he is starving, something quite common in those lands.

Sacred animals: cow

The cow is a sacred animal for Hinduism and is related to it as the symbol of life. They even have an annual party where they are bathed and decorated in the different temples. In Ancient India, only those that did not give milk were sacrificed.

3. Jaguar (Mexico)

In Mesoamerican culture there are three sacred animals that can be seen in what remains of the Aztec temples: the serpent, the eagle and the jaguar. The first is related to fertility, the second to warriors, and the third to mountains, strength and power.

Sacred animals: jaguar

Within the worldview of this civilization, the jaguar also has to do with night and darkness –due to the nocturnal habits of the animal– and with maternal love (for raising the female before her cubs). This carnivore with its beautiful fur is very feared in Mexico, not only for being an aggressive feline, but also for its supposed powers.

4. Tigre (China)

In addition to being present in the Chinese horoscope, the tiger is one of the four powerful heavenly gods for this country, along with the turtle, the dragon, and the phoenix. His name is Byakko and he is the guardian of the teachings of humanity, the king of all animals and the lord of the mountains.

Sacred animals: tiger

The tiger also has metal as an element, justice as a virtue and autumn as a season. In some cases it is related to war and for that reason it was used as a symbol in the armies that defended the emperors.

5. Wild boar (Northern Europe)

It was one of the sacred animals for the Celts, because it represented courage, strength, prophecy and magic. In turn, it was venerated in Western Europe as a symbol of protection from dangers and health, which is why it  was offered at feasts for warriors before going out to fight.

Sacred animals: wild boar

If the boar was a female, it signified sensuality, the ‘pet’ of sorceresses and the goddess Arduinna, hunter and ancestor of the Roman Diana. In some northern European countries you can get wild boar amulets and totems to wear at home or between clothes.

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