Tips On How To Tame A Horse

The process must be gradual, with delicacy, patience and respect; You have to get used to the mounting elements little by little, for which you have to try to familiarize yourself with them through a progressive adjustment
Tips on how to tame a horse

Horses are one of the animals that have accompanied humans for the longest time, along with dogs and cats. His elegance and fidelity are incomparable, but training one requires great patience and respect, so we give you advice on how to tame a horse.

The swift companions 

Horses have different personalities that differentiate them from other individuals of their species. This is why, although the relationships with different subjects may be the same, it does not imply that the results are exactly the same.

However, the process of how to break a horse is the same for each individual, with the difference in the intensity of the exercises applied. It is a technique that requires patience for both the horse and the tamer, so we are not talking about something instantaneous.

So if you were planning on taming a quick one, you really  should keep in mind that the length of the process takes a year or more.  Of course, we assure you that the experience is worth it.

Steps on how to tame a horse

First,  we must create a bond with the horse we want to tame;  the ideal is to gain their trust and make them feel in a safe area. The process is essential to let him understand that we are not a threat to him and that he can rest easy.

Horse and person

To do this, you must resort to different methods when caressing and fondling it ; You can start by calling him with soft sounds like clicking and whistling. You can speak very softly and gently, without making sudden or loud sounds that may scare you.

You should never approach the horse without it allowing you to approach of your own free will ; observe the movements of his body and the way he looks at you. The ideal in this case is for the equine to approach by itself and greet you with affection, for which it will lower its head towards you.

You should also not hit or intimidate them in any way.  With these actions you are only delaying the process of how to break a horse more, and even making the situation worse; you should always treat him with respect and politeness. Remember also that the animal must observe you at all times, so do not get behind it.

To further strengthen the bond, try giving him some grass and water while you pet him. The animal will associate this action with goodwill and will be more submissive. Once you think you’ve earned their trust, it’s time to move on to the next stage.

Second step

This stage consists of accustoming him to the riding team so that he becomes familiar and does not get nervous when having everything on him. In the same way, it is about getting them used to obeying orders and following us without question.

Scared horse

To begin with, we seek to accustom him to the halter, which is the piece that goes on his muzzle and head, which will allow us to maneuver with agility. You shouldn’t put it on right away, so let him smell the piece, look at it, and become familiar with it.

When you think it is convenient, it is time to put the halter on and verify that you are comfortable with it. If you notice that the animal is calm, it is a good sign, but if it is nervous or impatient, it is best to remove it immediately and try another day.

You must follow the same process with the other elements that the head uses: the bridle, the mouthpiece and the pieces of the eyes. Once you manage to place each of the pieces, it is time to continue to the next phase.

Get him used to the rein or branch

With this accessory we want to make it obey us without feeling obliged to follow us.  Rather, we seek to create the guiding vision in you. Try guiding him a few meters in a circle without forcing him to do so and without raising your voice.

To ride a horse

At the same time, it  is advisable to introduce him to some command voices, so that he understands when to stop and when to move, among other actions. Once you see fit, it’s time to move on to the last stage.

The seat, frame and other elements

As we have done with the other items, they should be presented to you one by one and allowed to become familiar with, and thus allowed to smell and examine. In the case of the saddle, you should not leave it on the horse the first time, but make it known that it is on its back.

Never tighten the straps all the way the first time you put them on. This will only scare the horse and hinder the process; the pressure should be adjusted gradually and over time to prevent this from happening.

Once you manage to use all the equipment and can get on it, congratulations because you have done it! How to tame a horse is not an easy task; now you must train him for the job you want him to do specifically.

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