Know How Your Dog Expresses Himself

Know how your dog expresses himself

The fundamental phase of living with our pets, in a similar way to how it happens between people, although it may not seem like it, is understanding. Believe it or not, dogs understand us.

In addition, if we have educated them properly, they will react appropriately to an order we give them. In this understanding, there are a series of guidelines or signals that we can perceive about its behavior, to deduce from them what the animal intends to transmit to us. We will cite some of these signs below.

Signs that tell you how your dog expresses himself

sleep with pets

  • When your pet sleeps next to you, in addition to looking for company, he does it as a sign of his affection for you. It is not ideal, as we know, because our dogs must get used to sleeping alone.
    • Loyalty is your pet’s number 1 virtue. Your dog loves you and will be faithful to you until the last moment of his life.
    • The movement of the tail of dogs has always been interpreted as a sign of joy or happiness, but it can also mean other things, such as tension, nervousness, some kind of fear, etc.
    • By analyzing the way the tail wags, we can come to understand what the animal wants to express. If it really is happiness and joy that it shows, it will move its tail and butt together. If we see him circling while wagging his tail, we can be absolutely sure that he is very happy.

    When your dog licks you …

    • As in the previous case, when a dog licks the owner, we think that it does so out of affection, but there are other things that this gesture can also mean, such as submission and obedience. The animal already does it from a very young age with its mother, and it means several things, from affection, obedience, a gesture of intimacy, etc.
      • Your dog’s social behavior, believe it or not, is highly developed. They tend to what we can call “building their herd”. If it does not have other companions of its species, the herd will form it with its owner, and it will use its herd for many things, from seeking protection and company, to vigilance to take care of the safety of that community that it has created with you.
      • Those of us who love and observe animals have frequently seen dogs lick their own wounds, those of other companions, and also those of their owners. They instinctively feel that something is not normal and is not going well.

      The perception of the sick owner

      • But not only in the case of wounds, but also dogs will notice when their owner is sick. In their own way, they will try to help, in the way they do best, which is to accompany and tuck them in with their company at all times, to “alleviate” the pain of their owner.
      • The jump in dogs is also usually a sign of joy, and affection. They jump to catch up with their owner (especially if they are small animals) and lick him, reach his hands if the owner does not bend over, etc.
      • Another typical behavior is to lean on the owner, or lean over him. Normally, it is an attitude to claim your attention, to make you notice that he is by your side and wants to play, express his affection, or is simply hungry and reminds you of his time to eat.

      Your dog can smile

      Autor: Roiz Roiz
      Author: Roiz Roiz
      • Do you think your dog does not smile? You’re wrong. Many studies have been able to show that dogs can adopt a large number of gestures and facial expressions when faced with various stimuli, in a positive way in terms of joy and happiness, or also in the case of less pleasant things. If your dog looks at you and you think he is smiling at you, he is. And that means a sign of deep affection for you.
      • When our pet has “stolen” a sock or a shoe from us, we should not interpret it in a negative way. He misses us a lot and the object he has picked up represents us, it has our scent, and that is something the dog needs to feel.

      The noises and gestures

      • When your dog barks at noises at the door of your house or strange sounds, we should not bother; We must be aware that the animal is taking care of us, it is ensuring the safety of YOUR home.
      • If you make gestures and you see that your dog accompanies you with his eyes, it is because he is aware of the smallest movement of yours. His dedication to you is total.

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