Do You Have A Cat Allergy? These Tricks Can Help You Fix It

Are you allergic to cats?  These tricks can help you fix it

An allergy to cats and other animals is one of the worst things that can happen to someone. It happens that because of how good it is to be with these beings, developing allergic reactions towards them makes it very difficult to live together.

And it is that when you suffer from this problem, it is not even possible to enjoy a minimum time with the little animal. This is due to the different types of symptoms that can be suffered.

However, for many animal lovers the worst allergy is that of cats, since these are one of the beings that causes the most symptoms when hugging and caressing them.

According to some scientists, these allergic reactions occur because feline allergens activate a specific pathway in the body when a common bacterial toxin is present.

This would generate in those who are allergic an immune response characterized by symptoms such as rhinorrhea, sneezing or coughing.

If you are one of these people with an allergy to cats and you want to combat the symptoms that this beautiful animal produces, here we leave you a series of tricks that will help you a lot.

Brush your cat

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As scientists from the prestigious University of Cambridge had described, what generates allergy to cats is a kind of dander that they possess.

This appears especially during hair shedding, and is usually terrible for allergy sufferers. By exploiting numerous symptoms like sneezing and coughing, it is very damaging.

To avoid this, the best solution is to brush your companion once a day. Of course, such brushing should be done by someone who does not feel an allergy to these animals.

As recommended by many specialists, this should be done in an outdoor space. Otherwise, this species of dandruff will be able to remain in the closed environment.

Eliminate the hairs that are on the closest objects

This is another very effective trick to combat the allergy that these beautiful companions generate. To do this, you must eliminate all the hairs that your kitten has left in the place that you frequent.

The first object that you will have to keep an eye on is the carpet. This is because it is usually the place where the feline’s hair is stored the most.

In the same way, you should be aware of your clothes, in case there are situations in which your kitten plays with them. Here we leave you a series of very effective methods to eliminate hairs:

  • Use a glued paper roller. With this, you will only have to pass it in the part where the feline has left more hair and it will remove it very easily.
  • Rub a damp cloth over your clothes.
  • Wear rubber gloves. You will only have to pass them over the surface full of hair and they will be removed quickly.
  • If none of the above works, the last option you can opt for is to soak your clothes in water and wait for the hairs to separate from your garment.

In addition to all the mentioned places where your kitten may have left hair, don’t forget to constantly clean his litter box.

Sterilize it and you will reduce the allergy to cats

Oddly enough, this surgical procedure is essential if you want to combat the allergic reaction generated by your little four-legged friend.

bathe your cat

The reason? It happens that sterilization considerably reduces the production of the allergen that causes the disease, especially if the cat is male.

Also, this is an option that in the end will bring numerous benefits for your feline. Here are some of them:

  • In the case of males, it will considerably reduce their level of aggressiveness.
  • Reduces the chances of kidney problems.
  • In the case of the female, it will reduce the chances of uterine cancer and psychological pregnancies.
  • Reduce the chances of them running away from home.

According to experts, the allergic reactions that a sterilized cat can generate, in the event that it is not completely eliminated, are much less intense.

Living with animals is very beneficial for humans. It is due to the way these creatures help us to be more responsible by making us take care of them.

If you want to live with a kitten but you are allergic, the tricks mentioned will help you a lot.

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