The 10 Breeds Of Dogs That Sleep The Most

The 10 breeds of dogs that sleep the most

It is known to all that dogs have an infinite number of peculiarities, which makes them animals worthy of study and praise.

When making the noble decision to adopt one of these beautiful four-legged companions, you must take into account some of them to know how to deal with it.

That is why next, we will talk a little about those who see sleep as the most sacred and pleasant thing.

The most sleepy dog ​​breeds

Saint Bernard

saint bernard in the grass

Known by many after being immortalized as Beethoven, it is a dog whose main characteristic is the love and good understanding he has with children, such as his extreme laziness.

Although he is supportive and can help when necessary, this canine will always prefer to be lying down or sleeping.

Great dane

This enormous friend is not exactly characterized by showing enthusiasm towards high intensity physical activities  or any action that requires a lot of effort.

Although he must be exercised for him to be in good health, it is enough to take him for a short walk, he will invest the rest of his time in the tranquility of sleep.


Like the previous case, these are dogs that are well known for being big, affectionate, faithful and extremely lazy, so you don’t have to worry much if you don’t have time to take him for a walk, since for him nothing is better than eating, receive affection, rest and sleep like a king.


If there is a canine whose maximum pleasure in his life is sleeping, the Pug is the best exponent, since  it is a small friend who is capable of falling asleep both standing and sitting.

Fortunately for this beautiful little dog, sleeping is something that is good for his health, which translates into the very loud snoring that he emits when he does it.

Basset hound

They are tender, loving, faithful and lazy, extremely lazy, so inactivity and sleep are for them like exercise and games for a Border Collie.

The problem with these companions is that because they are very prone to obesity and its adjacent diseases, it is of the utmost importance that you exercise them.


If you are a lover of small dogs, this four-legged friend from Cuba is one of the best you can adopt.

The particularity of the Havanese is that although it is a dog that loves physical activities such as hiking, it also enjoys the pleasures of a long nap.

English greyhound

Although it may surprise many, this beautiful and long canine is on this list, and not precisely for fictitious reasons.

Despite being one of the fastest dogs in the world, and a being that needs a lot of exercise to have an optimal state of health, the English Greyhound is usually a real sleepyhead when it is not doing physical activities.


These beautiful and hairy canines are one of the best you can have if you have placid and calm routines, since it does not require much physical activity, and will accompany you when you are sitting or lying down with great pleasure, since it is one of the most lazy and sleepers that exist.

The only thing that you will have to pay close attention to is taking care of their hair, and if you want to exercise it, it is best to take it swimming, since they love it.


As with the Basset Hound, this is a canine that has the complication that it is extremely lazy, it detests exercise, but it needs it to be healthy, even if it loves sleep with all its might and is a bit disobedient.

To make everything easier for both him and you, the ideal is to get used to walks and walks from a young age.

English bulldog

english bulldog 3

This is without any doubt the dog that loves to sleep the most, even when his nature asks him to exercise to be healthy.

Although it seems incredible, these beautiful companions can sleep almost a whole day if they want to.

If one of the greatest pleasures in life is sleep, these dog breeds know how to enjoy it in a big way.

Image courtesy of sabianmaggy.

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