The First Walks Of The Dog

The first walks of the dog

When deciding to adopt a new pet, it is normal for us to decide on a baby. There are pets that stay all day in a cage, such as hamsters, rabbits or parrots, animals that are free around the house, such as cats, and animals that have to be taken outdoors several times a day. day. This is the case with dogs. However, you cannot expose a puppy to the street suddenly, without training and without preparation. Dogs must be vaccinated and educated before taking them out for the first time. Therefore, here we explain how to manage the first dog walks.

Why should I take my dog ​​for a walk?

Taking the dog for a walk is a fundamental exercise for its socialization and education. At first you should take it out as  many times as you can, until it learns to control its physiological needs. Once he has learned, he should be taken out of the house about three times a day and taken on a hike at least once a week.

What do you need to know before going for a walk for the first time?

paseo perro

For your new dog to be able to go outside for the first time, it must be at least 3 months old and vaccinated.

Every time you go out, you must always wear the leash, since it is mandatory that the dogs always wear the leash in the street, garden areas and common areas of urbanizations. In addition, he must know how to respond to the basic commands of “sitting”, “here” “together” and “lying down”. “Together” is an order to walk down the street with the dog. Our little friend must walk with his head at the level of the owner’s knee and get used to the variations in speed. It is not the owner who must go at the speed of the dog, but the other way around. Otherwise, the dog will get out of control and it will be impossible to keep him at bay on walks.

Walking on the leash is a fundamental exercise. To begin with, the puppy must be accustomed to the collar at home. Once accustomed, you have to take him to a place without distractions and tell him to follow his master by walking on the left side and at the level of the owner’s knee, using the leash or the person standing up and forcing the dog to return to him, to prevent the puppy from overtaking you.

How do I train my dog ​​to be able to take it out on the street?

perro con correa

To begin dog education, the members of the household must agree on the language that they are going to use with the dog and all use the same language, that is; use common language. Each order has one word and only one associated with it. Dogs don’t understand synonyms.

The second is non-verbal communication, especially the voice and caresses. The voice must be firm and serious, this is how authority is expressed. A high-pitched or insecure voice can make the dog nervous or incite him to disobey. Caresses mean different things depending on where they are done. A caress on the head expresses authority, on the neck it is a caress of affection, along the neck a compliment from the teacher to the student, on the back it expresses encouragement and encourages the animal and on the belly it reassures the puppy. It is important to know how to use strokes properly so as not to confuse the dog, but if used well, it will feel loved and will obey its owners.

In general, dog commands should be short and concise. To train the dog, training must be daily and constant. It should last between 10 and 15 minutes a day, so that it does not tire, but there should not be days without training until the dog is fully educated. For the education of your puppy to be coherent, you should not move on to another exercise until the first one is mastered, even if it is tedious, and it is better to end the sessions with an exercise that is easy to perform or that is already mastered, so as not to stop feeling of failure. In addition, you must try to be fair with the dog, play with him after each session and not punish him unfairly or lengthen the sessions unnecessarily.

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