How To Avoid Stealing A Dog: Our Tips

How to avoid the theft of a dog: Our tips

Losing our pet could become really distressing, whether it has escaped or because it has been stolen. Therefore, we must exercise extreme caution, especially if it is a young, purebred specimen. Do not forget that theft can be part of a business related to the breeding of dogs.

Here are our tips so you know how to avoid stealing a dog. Attentive!

Can you prevent the theft of a dog?

The answer is yes. If we are responsible owners and take the necessary precautions, our dog will be safe. Of course, there have been cases of responsible and caring owners who have still been victims of theft of their pets, but these are not part of the majority. In fact, they are part of a fairly low percentage since the circumstances of the theft are usually exceptional.

In the most common cases, theft of a dog occurs mainly through the owner’s carelessness. Unfortunately, thefts are becoming more common in large cities around the world. In Latin American countries, for example, there are many cases of theft of pets to engage in the breeding business. In Venezuela, Golden Retriever puppies were even stolen to place drugs inside their bellies (through surgery) and thus be able to take them to Spain.

Dog face

To face this problem, there are different habits, customs or recommendations that we can take into account when avoiding the theft of a dog. Here are all the tips you need to know and / or reinforce.

1. Don’t let him go out alone

Not even to the garden and not even if we are watching it from the window. In the blink of an eye, thieves can take the animal away without anyone noticing. It is true that this is more difficult if the dog is medium or large in size or has guardian characteristics. But if you have a small furry like a Poodle or a Yorkshire, be very careful.

2. Teach the dog not to accept food

This is somewhat complicated because animals have a sweet tooth and gluttony is stronger than they. However, there are different ways that the dog rejects the food offered by strangers. This will prevent someone from attracting your attention and stealing it.

3. Do not wear it loose on the street

In addition to the fact that it is a danger because it can try to cross the street alone, follow another dog running or attack someone, the animal can also be the perfect target for a thief. Teach him to walk with you using a leash and collar and better wait until you enter the house to take them off.

4. Put a chip on it

In many countries intracutaneous chips are available that are placed in animals to know their whereabouts in case they are lost or stolen. Although this measure is not preventive, it can help us to find our pet again.

5. Avoid dangerous places

Go for a walk with your dog in crowded places, avoid dark alleys, little-traveled or narrow streets. Even if your canine is stocky and a guardian, it is better not to choose areas that may seem suspicious to you. This way you will have an assault and have your pet violently taken out of you.

6. Do not trust

Even if your dog is not a purebred it can also be stolen. While this is less likely because the aim of the thieves is to make a profit on the purebred animal (either by selling it or using it for breeding) others can use it for horrible activities such as clandestine fights, pornography or the fur market.

7. Change your walking habits

Another way to avoid theft of a dog is to modify the patterns in terms of daily walks. If you take your pet out every day when you return from work and walk down the same street, the walk lasts 30 minutes and you return along the same sidewalk, you could be the target of a thief. Better if you alternate schedules and routes so that no one follows your steps.

8. Do not show off your dog if it is of race

It is very nice to have the company of a special being like a dog, however there are many cases where they have been stolen due to the negligence or carelessness of their owners. For example, post on Facebook or Instagram that you are in a park with your pet. You don’t know how many people can see that post and hurt you and the animal. Have a great time with your adventure partner without showing off on social media.

9. Say you’ve been sterilized

When you come across someone in the street who tries to start a conversation in relation to the dog, do not trust yourself. If he asks you, you can say that you have neutered him and that you have adopted him. This way there will be less chance of them wanting to steal it for breeding. If you say it came from a shelter or it was given to you as a gift, you also reduce the chances that they will love it for being “pure”.

Elderly dog ​​on the grass

10. Put a plate on it

This serves not only if it is lost but also so that they know that it has an owner. When they find him on the street they will contact you and you will get him back.

With the application of all these tips, you will considerably reduce the risk of theft of your pet. Share this information with everyone you think needs it and remember: a responsible owner will have a happy pet.

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