7 Things Dogs Hate About You

To solve problems of ‘coexistence’ you have to understand the language of dogs; This will guarantee the well-being of the pet and will strengthen the bond with its owner
7 things dogs hate about you

Nobody said that coexistence was easy, especially when it comes to different species. Dogs and humans are very different beings, and just as dogs do things that you don’t like, there are also a few things that dogs hate about you. Take them into account to improve your relationship:

1. Dogs hate you that you don’t listen to them

Dogs are very communicative animals: they are always giving different signals to show what they think or what they feel. However, we may not be so observant and we miss almost all the canine language.

Dogs hate that you do not listen to them: that they spend long minutes telling you what they want to get from you, that they spend months asking you that that dog, that street or that neighbor does not like them and still you ignore them. We must all make a greater effort to understand the signs of calm and the signs of stress in our dogs in order to understand them better.

2. That you treat him like a human

We are different beings: humans have different needs, language and customs than dogs. For this reason, your dog does not like you to forget that he has his own way of seeing the world and you tell him to do it like a human.

Humanize your dog

Do not speak to him as if he were a small child, but as to a dog: an intelligent animal that understands words and intentions, but not long speeches or reproaches. Don’t forget that his strongest sense is smell, so help him enjoy it. Also don’t forget that his best friends must be dogs, and that your dog’s social life is just as important as yours is to you.

3. That you tie the neck

The straps attached to necklaces hurt and can lead to health problems. Whether your dog is large or small, whether he pulls on the leash or not, he will appreciate being attached to a harness and not a collar.

Tying a dog by the neck

Going outside is one of the most exciting moments of the day: don’t spoil it by adding a permanent sore throat in return. It is much better to grip the dog on hard parts of its body: the sternum or the ribs.

4. That you jerk when walking

Another thing that dogs hate about you is that, in addition to the pain in the neck and the temporary sensation of drowning, you cannot walk quietly without taking several hits. A tug on a harness hurts, but in the neck it is much worse: the pain branches down all the nerves to the hind legs.

Strap pulls

There is no justification for tugging on a dog while walking – handling a leash correctly is more difficult than it sounds, and if you learn to carry it gently, your dog will always thank you.

5. That you use highly perfumed detergents

The most sensitive and developed sense of dogs is smell. Their nose is said to be 1,000 times more powerful than a human’s: they smell many more smells than we do, and therefore smell  them very intensely.

Smell of the dog

When we use scented detergents for humans, we are saturating and attacking the noses of dogs. When we clean the house and leave a trace of chemical perfume, we are also interfering with their instincts.

Dogs hate that you don’t smell human and instead smell a lot of different perfumes. Try to reduce the intensity of the smell of the detergents, colognes or creams that you usually use. You will be creating a kinder world for your dog.

6. That you punish him

Humans really like to use punishments: we constantly punish children, we punish our employees and even sometimes – although we certainly shouldn’t – we punish ourselves. However, dogs do not punish each other: they teach and guide each other when one misbehaves.

Punish the dog

A punishment is uncomfortable and unpleasant, both for the one who punishes and for the one who is punished. Also, most of the time we punish our dog, he doesn’t know why we are doing it. Discard the punishments of your life because it is another thing that dogs hate about you. Learn to use positive reinforcement to teach him new things.

7. Don’t respect her fear

Our houses and our cities are made to measure for humans: for dogs everything is great. The streets, schedules and customs are made for us, and some dogs may not understand or fear some of the things.

Fear in dogs

There are many different things to be afraid of living among humans: inexplicable noises from the street, cars, neighbors, elevators … and, going back to the first point on this list, we are not always able to see that our dog has him fear of any of these everyday situations.

This is accentuated when we confuse fear of dogs with funny attitudes: growling, showing teeth, running away, hiding … especially in small dogs it is taken as something funny instead of the paralyzing fear that it really is.

If you don’t want this to be another thing that dogs hate about you, learn to identify your pet’s fear. Respect him as you would like to be respected when faced with something you don’t like and protect him from anything he feels is a threat.

Despite the fact that dogs have lived with us in our homes for thousands of years, there are still many things that we do not understand about them. This leads us to do little things in the day to day that dogs hate: luckily, they are easy to learn and correct them so that our pet is happier.

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