How Should We Act With The Kitten Just Arrived Home?

How should we act with the kitten who has just arrived home?

On other occasions we have already talked about the adoption of cats, especially the advantages of adopting an adult cat. But we also want to talk about how we should act in the event that we make the decision to adopt a kitten, in this case a baby.

We always like to advise that before adopting a pet, we assess the pros and cons, since we are talking about a living being and not a “toy” and that it will need our full attention and affection. So we are going to give you some simple tips on how we should act with the kitten who has just arrived home.

At what age can we take the kitten home?

As soon as we decide to adopt a kitten, we want to bring it home as soon as possible, but it is not recommended. It would be convenient for the kittens to stay with their mother and siblings, at least up to 12 weeks. Keep in mind that the mother is the one who is going to teach her to be a cat, not us.

In the first weeks is when it needs the most from its cat family, but even the cat can suckle up to 10 weeks of life. If you separate it before 12 weeks, you could cause stress to the cat, behavior problems and even illness.

Coming home

gatito casa

As soon as the separation between the kitten and its cat family occurs, at first it will feel disoriented, so the attention and attitude of the members of its new home will be very important. The whole family must be aware that it is a child that is a baby and that it will need basic care.

You have to prepare the house for the arrival of the new baby in the house, the room temperature is very important , neither cold nor hot, but especially cold as it can cause hypothermia.

You should also provide a comfortable bed where the kitten can rest comfortably and is placed in a place where there are no drafts and is warm. If he is already weaned and does not drink breast milk, it is essential that you already place his litter box for him to relieve himself.

Remember that the kitten will also need basic pampering and care, which you will have to provide. You also have to clean him, since his mother is not there to do it, in addition to providing him with the correct and necessary food for his age.

Things you will need

gatito comiendo

As soon as the kitten walks through the house, you have to enable him a place to put his food, water and a place where he will relieve himself. You have to provide your litter tray with the necessary litter and change it periodically.

It is very important that you also provide a strainer for your nails, so you will avoid sharpening them with any furniture or object in the house. Buy him a toy to entertain him.


As soon as he has had the first contact with the house and family members, he must be taken to the veterinarian to be checked. You have to watch that it does not have both external and internal parasites, since it could infect other animals that you have at home and even children.

It is also important to have your eyes and ears checked for mites. If you have any questions, it is better to consult your veterinarian, as well as the diet that your little pet should follow.

The rules since childhood

Do not make the mistake of not teaching your cat what is okay and what is not, just because it is a baby, it will be more difficult later. You have to make it clear to him what cannot be done, and if necessary, when he does something wrong, spray it with water, so it will be clear to him that this is not done.

Don’t let him relieve himself, that’s what his litter box is for. You should also reward him if he does something well. Something very important in the education of a cat is patience, it will not obey you from the beginning, but it will end up abiding by the rules.

Do not be overwhelmed if the puppy finds it a bit difficult to adapt, you have to be patient and understand that he has been separated from his mother and siblings, he is in a strange place with people he does not know, so you have to earn his trust and affection.

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