Pets And Decoration

Pets and decoration

Having a pet does not mean that we should live in disorder. Integrate, organize and plan are key words when creating conditions so that they and we can live in perfect harmony. Pets and decoration are not antonyms.

In addition, the homes of pet owners must have certain specifications and adaptations depending on the dog they have adopted. Next, we will present some ideas to overcome this challenge and not die trying.

They must have their own space

Species like cats and dogs tend to be quite territorial. This facilitates the fact that we dedicate a fixed space where they can sleep, eat and, sometimes, relieve themselves. In fact, training and territory are two elements that go hand in hand.

Cat lying with a collar

Therefore, managing their education and behavior at home will depend on us assigning a place for their stay, which will be adapted to comply with their rules and dynamics. In turn, this provision will allow us to carry out cleaning tasks more easily.

This has nothing to do with sacrificing a room or area that will smell bad and look messy all the time. With cleanliness and organization, the owners can integrate this space with the rest of the decoration and the concept of the home.

You have to define some issues from the beginning

Size and breed are central aspects to consider when adopting a pet to live with us. Our new pet must have characteristics that allow them to adapt to our home.

A common mistake is to put a Golden retriever, or Siberian wolf, in a studio space. While they are small, the damages will be minor, but with the passage of time, both the animal and the owner could feel somewhat suffocated.

In the same way, the breed of our pet must be according to the thermal sensation that our home generally provides. Conditions must be created that favor the ease of coexistence.

Pets and decoration : factors to consider to make your own space

The places that we will set aside for them to eat or relieve themselves must be well ventilated. Otherwise, the space will maintain a characteristic bad smell and this will discourage us when it comes to redecorating or cleaning.

In addition, if we are going to have pets with claws, it is best to use furniture whose base is made of hard materials, such as wood. The idea is to prevent our little friend from breaking the fabric and other soft products.

Another important aspect is to avoid that the objects that can break are far from the reach of its legs and fangs. Small rugs, sturdy cabinets and a vacuum cleaner will make life together much more bearable, clean and healthy.

A decoration according to our mascot

After finding our four-legged tenant, we can undertake some reforms based on him. We’re talking about focusing key interior design details around the look of the pet.

For example, paint the walls the color of their fur, use decorative objects in the shape of their spots. Also implementing some objects allusive to its species are some of the most effective trends.

What will happen: that the dog or the cat will be in accordance with the style of our living room, kitchen and others. Everything will look in its place and, in addition, this will become the main theme of the house. Pets and decoration can make the perfect combination.

Dog in the window

Interior design for pets

There are designers and entire furniture lines dedicated to covering the innovative market of animal lovers. Dog houses and litter boxes should no longer be rudimentary.

A small cat furniture, a stylized dog house, or a nightstand that inside becomes a bed for a small pet. These are just some of the ideas that we can find with the help of social networks.

We are talking about professionals, brands and initiatives that seek to change the way we live with domesticated species. From this perspective, quality pets and decoration go hand in hand.

In short, having a pet and a classy home is possible if we plan it well from the beginning. Cleaning, determination and a certain monetary investment will be more than enough, but we will have to be constant … Pets and decoration? You just have to get to work.

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