How To React If A Dog Chokes On Food

Witnessing how a dog chokes on food is always an unpleasant situation, but knowing how to act can mean survival for the animal.
How to react if a dog chokes on food?

Choking is one of the most unpleasant (and unfortunately unavoidable) accidents that can occur. The simple act of eating can be the trigger for such an undesirable situation.

Fortunately, due to the structure of the larynx in dogs, it is very rare for an animal to choke while eating. However, just because it is strange does not mean that it is impossible. In the event of a choking, reacting quickly can mean the difference between life and death for the animal.

In most cases, a visit to the vet is not an option since they have only a few minutes to act. As it is always better to be prepared, we are going to give you some tips that, although we hope you never have to apply, it is advisable to know.

What is choking?

A choking consists of the total or partial obstruction of the airways by a foreign element, the most common being choking on food. This obstruction makes it difficult or impossible for air to enter the lungs. For this reason, depending on the degree of interruption of the air flow, we will speak of urgency or emergency.

  • When the obstruction is partial and the air, although with difficulty, flows towards the lungs, it is not considered an emergency, although it will be necessary to act.
  • On the contrary, if the obstruction is total and there is no respiration, action is necessary and immediate, since the life of the animal is in imminent danger. In the following lines we will explain how to identify both scenarios.

A wild dog that is drowning.

Partial obstruction

With air trickling into the lungs, the dog will emit vocalizations and cough. It can be seen that, even on occasion, the animal tries to scratch its mouth with its limbs or rub its snout against some surface.

If the animal can cough, nothing should be done so as not to interfere. Coughing is the best defense mechanism to expel foreign bodies that may have been lodged in the throat.

The air, when exhaled violently, removes the piece of food as if it were a blowgun. In most cases, the animal will spit out remains of feed mixed with slime  and the problem will have been solved. Possibly this situation has already been experienced by a reader, with a happy ending included.

Total obstruction: when the dog drowns

In this case, the situation is complicated and the owner must act. Although for the reader’s peace of mind, this scenario is extremely rare.
If the dog is observed to be behaving strangely, with his mouth open he tried to cough or scream but it is not possible, it  is time to worry.

Another sign may be that the dog is rubbing its muzzle with its limbs or another surface. In this case, and as they always say, the important thing is to stay calm, however difficult it may be.

How to act if the dog drowns

First of all, you have to try to visualize the piece of food in the mouth of the drowning animal. Feed grains are usually small to produce a total obstruction, so most of the time it will be large pieces of meat, bones or fruit that will cause the choking.

If it is visualized and its extraction is possible easily (we emphasize easily) this is an option to consider. At the slightest suspicion that the piece of food may fit more in the throat, you have to go to the next step without even trying.

The next thing is to apply the famous Heimlich maneuver. To carry out this procedure, you have to stand up and place the animal between your legs. With the arms the animal is surrounded by the abdomen area and the fist of one hand is placed just at the end of the last ribs of the dog.

With the other hand, the fist of the first hand is wrapped. In this position, dry pressures will be made with varying intensity depending on the size of the dog, towards the body of the tutor. In this way, a violent expulsion of air is achieved from the dog’s lungs, towards the outside, which will eliminate the obstruction.

Whenever possible, it is interesting to perform the maneuver with the hind third of the animal raised, to facilitate the expulsion of the piece of food. This procedure can be repeated several times, until the food has been removed and the obstruction resolved.

A dog that bites into an apple.

These tips are to apply in emergency situations and will never replace a veterinary consultation. If a dog drowns, and whenever possible, try to contact the veterinarian by phone before proceeding with first aid.

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