Can Cats And Dogs Eat The Same Thing?

There may be certain coincidences in the feeding of cats and dogs, although it is true that the nutritional needs of each are different, hence the diet must be specific in each case
Can cats and dogs eat the same?

Can cats and dogs eat the same?

Many people mistakenly believe that pets eat everything, and cats and dogs can eat the same thing. This is not so, and even many of the human foods are considered very harmful to them.

It must be taken into account that the foods made for the different species contain ingredients that satisfy the nutritional and caloric requirements of each one.

In addition, the size, age, species and characteristics of the pet determine what it should ingest, its content, frequency and quantity. This will make the difference between good nutrition and malnutrition.

Although feed or processed food for dogs and cats are very similar, they differ a lot, which can be seen by reading the label of the products. In this article we will see information about what cats and dogs need in their diet and the reasons why they should not eat the same.

Nutritional requirements of cats

In their evolution throughout history, felines have been maintained on a carnivorous diet. That is why today they still require a high dose of protein and fat in their diet. This amount is not recommended for dog food.

We must also mention taurine, an antioxidant organic acid that protects the health of the feline heart, as well as its brain, muscles and membranes. This substance also works as an important neurotransmitter. Its deficiency in the medium and long term causes blindness, nervous system problems, heart disease and finally death.

Dog and cat food

Likewise, an essential fatty acid that cats require is called arachidonic acid, which maintains the good health of their fur and skin.

The vitamins B1 and B12  also  must be included in a good feed for cats. B1 transforms glucose into energy for the functioning of your muscles and nervous system. B12 maintains the number of red blood cells and optimizes iron in the body.

One of the essential nutrients for the cat, which canine food lacks, is vitamin A, while the dog’s body produces it. In general, the cat needs more vitamins in its diet than its canine companions.

Nutritional requirements of dogs

Dogs, although in early stages of their evolution they became strictly carnivores, they developed a more varied diet. That led them to be the omnivores that they are today.

The commercial feeds on the market include all the necessary components to maintain optimal nutrition and health.

One of the dietary components that the dog’s metabolism requires is beta-carotene, which its body processes to convert it into vitamin A , a great antioxidant. Maintains health in vision, reproductive processes and the bone and epithelial system.

I think for dogs and cats

As a guideline on another important vitamin, while cats require 30 units per kilogram of vitamin E, dogs need 50. As we can see, dogs require less fat and protein than felines.

Two essential fatty acids must be included in dog food: linoleic and alpha-linoleic. These nourish muscles and fur, create hormones and generate elements necessary for cells.

Consequences of an improper diet in pets

If cats and dogs live in the same house, it is very likely that they will eat from each other’s feeder from time to time. If it is occasional, it has no consequences, but it should not become a habit ; To avoid this, there must be the necessary separation.

In the medium and long term, an inadequate diet in our pets will cause vomiting, diarrhea and other discomforts. In the long term, the impact is more serious, since possible kidney and liver damage may occur.


In conclusion,  cats and dogs cannot eat the same thing as they run the risk of malnutrition, with possible consequences on their health. For all that we have told, it is proven how harmful it can be to give a food that does not correspond to the pet’s species. The consequences will be even more important in the case of cats.

The recommendation is clear: cats and dogs cannot eat the same thing. The veterinarian should be consulted about the best diet for them and supply them with quality products that guarantee they live in optimal health.

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