Tips For Educating A Shiba Inu

Nervous and independent, you have to be patient and firm so that this breed behaves properly; he is very nervous, so he will need large doses of exercise
Tips for raising a Shiba Inu

The Shiba Inu is known as the ‘cat dog’ because it has a completely independent character. This, added to other factors, makes their training a bit more complicated than with other breeds. Well, to help you not be an odyssey, we give you some tips to educate a Shiba Inu.

What makes it so difficult to educate a Shiba Inu

It is not a breed that has been known in Europe for a long time, and is that, in fact, it is often confused with the Akita because of its enormous resemblance. What we cannot deny is that knowing a little more about his character and behavior was a surprise. Although physically both races are very similar, they differ greatly in what has to do with their personality.

The traits that most define the Shiba Inu and that make it difficult to educate them are:

Their independence

This independence is very similar to that of cats and makes them believe that they do not need anyone, so do not think that you will have a dog to pet when you please. Like the felines, this will happen when they want and decide.

His air of superiority

It is the same independence that leads them to feel superior, so you will have to be careful that the leader of the pack is not created. This is something that could happen with other pets around the house or with yourself.

Your disobedience

The Shiba Inu is disobedient by nature; he doesn’t like anyone telling him what to do. Thus, he has a tendency to disobey and do whatever he pleases at all times.

Shiba Inu: character

Your nerves

Shiba Inu need large doses of exercise, as they are nervous by nature, so if they do not play the necessary sport, they may exhibit destructive behaviors at home.

Keep these tips in mind to educate a Shiba Inu

Reading all this you can believe that it is a dog not suitable to have as a pet, but nothing could be further from the truth. All these aspects of his behavior are easily solvable with a little discipline. For this we give you the definitive tips to educate a Shiba Inu:

Be the leader

The first thing you have to do to educate a Shiba Inu is to make him understand that the leader of the pack is you. This is accomplished with simple everyday gestures such as eating before him, going through the door before him, or speaking firmly to him when you want him to obey you.

If there are more members in the family it is important that all of you have the same guidelines. That is, if you have said that the dog cannot climb on the sofa, and your partner allows it, the Shiba will believe the leader and will do what he wants at all times.

Set standards

Once you have taught him that you are the boss, now decide what rules there will be in the house that he must follow. It could be some like not going into a room or sleeping in your bed and not on the couch. You mark them and you should not make things easier for them such as closing the door so that they do not enter the room you do not want. He must obey without facility.

Teach him basic commands

Don’t settle for just spending time with him. The Shiba Inu needs discipline and learn basic commands such as picking up or letting go of something, sitting down or pawing; they will help you stay centered and balanced.

Shiba Inu training

Be loving but firm

You already know that we are in favor of positive reinforcement in teaching and it is what we always recommend you do. When it comes to educating a Shiba Inu too. Even so, with a Shiba Inu you will have to stand your ground with all the consequences.

Why do we tell you this? Because this breed of dog is spiteful and it will show you with its look and its behavior. He will not like you scolding him or telling him what to do and, although he will resign, he will have a hostile behavior towards you.

Do not let this soften you because you will lose authority and everything you have achieved so far will have been for nothing. If to educate any dog ​​you have to be patient, to educate a Shiba Inu even more. Do not give up, be constant, loving and firm at the same time, and you will have good results.

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