A Very Special Safari With Animals That Had A Second Chance

A very special safari with animals that had a second chance

On this occasion I would like to tell you about a very special place that I met on my last trip, which was to West Palm Beach in the United States. I have never been in favor of paying for shows in which they use animals, so when my friend told me about going on safari my answer was a resounding “NO”.

In fact, I always advise you not to pay to be in places where animals are used because they are mistreated and poorly cared for. But my friend convinced me when she explained the origin of this first and only cage-free zoo in the United States: Lion Country Safari.

Un safari muy especial
Image courtesy of Virginia

A very special cage-free zoo: Lion Country Safari

Lion Country Safari was America’s first cage-free zoo.  It was created by various entrepreneurs from South Africa, America and the United Kingdom. The objective in principle was to give the opportunity to people residing in countries where they could not enjoy a safari, to do so. They only exhibited lions.

But the large land they had, thousands and thousands of square meters, gave them the idea of ​​doing more. And that idea was to turn it into a shelter for animals that had been abused, used in laboratories or for shows where they were not cared for.

Animals can live outdoors, the closest thing to their natural habitat and with the same diet. In the middle of this habitat a road was made that would allow cars to pass at a very smooth speed. We had to stop several times because animals were crossing everywhere! It’s your house, we were the intruders.

The windows must be up and will not allow you to touch the animals.

Feeding and caring for so many animals has a huge cost, but the entrance to this place costs less than 30 dollars. After seeing how they treat and care for the animals there and enjoying nature and beauty so closely, I assure you that I would have been willing to pay much more.

This price is not excessive considering that there are more than a thousand species in this wonderful place. Would you like to know some?

Un safari muy especial
Image courtesy of Virginia

Our friends from Lion Country Safari

In Lion Country Safari there are species such as the white rhinoceros from Africa. Something that makes it special is how they have created a habitat for the chimpanzee. The chimpanzee is an endangered species and it is rare to see them anywhere.

But in Lion Country Safari they have created an island habitat that consists of several islands of different sizes in which chimpanzees can go from one to another just as they would in their normal life off the premises. In addition, this place has become a retreat for chimpanzees that were used in laboratories and that need special attention or that are no longer able to return to life outside.

Giraffes, lions, zebras, imos and much more is what you can enjoy in this place. An imo had us detained more than five cars for at least half an hour because he stayed in the middle of the road and there was no way to move him. No one dared to even honk his horn, something that is totally forbidden. But it was funny.

Un safari muy especial
Image courtesy of Virginia

The icing on the cake comes when you are given the opportunity from a raised platform to feed the giraffes. I’ve never seen one so close! For me it was fascinating. Of course, if you want to touch one, forget it, they only want the lettuce that you have in your hand …

The care, respect and love with which they treat the animals in this place left me in awe. It is a place that is worth paying for since it is not a show with animals but a place that makes them feel at home, healing the wounds of their hearts. If you are going to go through West Palm Beach, you cannot miss the Lion Country Safari.

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